Gigha Primary School

Gigha Primary School was built in 1897 and has been modernised to a very high standard. An extension was built in 2006- 2007, extending the accommodation to two classrooms, office, staffroom and a multi- purpose room and kitchen. School meals are served from the main kitchen and meals-on-wheels go out to the elderly twice a week on request.

A Pre-Five Unit is also housed within the school. The children work with the P.1-3 class in the Infant Room, working on shared themes and Early Level Play.
Pupils, parents and staff all work well together to create a very welcoming ethos. The school has a very active Parent Council who support the work of the school in many ways.

HMIE inspection Reports:

HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) inspects and reports on the quality of education in pre-school centres, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, community learning and development services, colleges, and residential educational provision.

You can read and download any inspection reports for this school, and find out more about the inspection process, on the Education Scotland website.

Alexandra Vipurs
Head Teacher
Early Learning and Childcare

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