Jim Lynch

Oban South and the Isles
Scottish National Party
Councillor Jim Lynch

3rd Friday of every month (Virtual) 2pm-4pm 



Leader of Argyll and Bute Council

SNP Group Leader 

Depute Policy Lead - Economic Development, Islands and Rural Communities, Housing

Depute Policy Lead - Finance and Commercial Services

Membership of Committees

Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee

Policy and Resources Committee - (Chair)

Argyll Islands Sounding Board  - (Chair)

Argyll and Bute Renewables Alliance 

Membership of Other Bodies

Highland and Argyll Local Plan Flood District 

Convention of the Highlands and Islands 

Islands Strategic Group

A83 Taskforce 

COSLA Convention

COSLA Leaders

Community Planning Partnership Management Committee 

Oban Common Good Fund


Register of Interests




Houses, Land and Buildings

Property in Argyll and Bute Ward 4 Oban South and the Isles

Shares and Securities


Gifts and Hospitality


Non-financial interests

Member - Argyll Homes 4 All

Member - Phoenix Cinema Oban

Member - Highlands and Islands Music and Dance Festival 

Member - ACHA Area Committee

Interests: Both political and personal

Member of Argyll Homes for all Board

Phoenix Cinema Oban Board member

Highland and Islands Music and Dance Committee member

ACHA Area Committee member 

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