Educational Psychology

Educational Psychologists promote child development and learning, mainly with children and young people from birth to 19 years, through the application of psychology.

Our Educational Psychology Team have put together some information to help talk to children about the war in Ukraine and other world news.

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In light of the Coronavirus situation, an All Our Children Facebook page has been opened so that everyone can add information for professionals and parents alike to assist Argyll & Bute. 

Please feel free to share information on the page and have discussions that are supportive for all our children - these can be announcements, advice, support network and respectful comments. 

Please invite colleagues, friends or clients to the page so we can all keep in touch and support each other - Argyll Family Hub - Facebook

Educational Psychologists promote child development and learning, mainly with children and young people from birth to 19 years, through the application of psychology.

The service also works with schools and other agencies to support young people moving on from school to further education, training or employment.

Educational Psychologists are based across Argyll and Bute to best meet the needs of children and young people, families, schools and communities.

The Association of Scottish Principal Educational Psychologists (ASPEP) and the British Psychological Society Scottish Division of Educational Psychologists (BPS SDEP) developed a leaflet describing the role of Educational Psychologists in Scotland which can be found through the following link:

Educational Psychological Services have produced two information leaflets, one for Parents and one for Children and Young People.

  • Contact us and meet the team >
    Please get in touch if you need advice, help or want to give us feedback
  • Our children, their mental health >
    "Our children, their mental health and wellbeing" provides basic information on mental health and wellbeing in children and young people.
  • Working together with schools > 
    The Educational Psychology Service works with schools to achieve their vision:
    To promote the wellbeing and development of all children and young people using the knowledge and evidence base of child psychology
  • Allocating time to schools > 
    Schools are allocated according to an area system. In each area, the local psychologist is also responsible for work relating to early years establishments.
  • Working together with partner agencies >
    Following GIRFEC principles, educational psychologists work closely with school staff, children and families, as well as with a range of partner agencies. 
  • Mediation >
    We are required to make appropriate arrangements for the provision of independent mediation services, to avoid or resolve disagreement between Education Services and parents or children / young people in the area .
  • The working process >
    There are 5 core functions of a Psychological Service - consultation, assessment, intervention, training and research / strategic development
  • Service development >
    The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is committed to a process of continuous improvement.  Our Validated Self-Evaluation (VSE), Service Improvement Plan and Newsletters are available for you to read


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