Our School Vision, ‘Creativity Inspiring Learning,’ is at the heart of everything we do, and our Values—Respect, Leadership, Care, and Creativity—guide our school community in fostering an inclusive and supportive atmosphere. We are a Rights Respecting School and endeavour to uphold all our Children’s Right’s.
Our catchment area spans a wide section of the peninsula, with housing stretching from Millbrae to Coulport. Opened in 1971, our school building is home to both Early Learning and Childcare (ELCC) and Primary aged children. The ELCC has a spacious room and a well-designed outdoor area that encourages exploration and play. The rest of the building includes four bright and engaging classrooms, offices, resource rooms, a library, a staff room, and a multi-functional main hall used for lunches and P.E.
Our expansive grounds feature hard-surfaced play areas, a blaes football pitch, and a school garden. Together, these facilities provide a dynamic space for our pupils to learn, play, and grow, while nurturing their wellbeing and creativity.
HMIE inspection Reports:
HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) inspects and reports on the quality of education in pre-school centres, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, community learning and development services, colleges, and residential educational provision.
You can read and download any inspection reports for this school on the Education Scotland website.