Pupils are drawn mainly from a catchment area covering the southern half of the town and comprising a mixture of private and local authority housing.
The school vision is “Creid agus Soirbhich, Còmhla” which translates as “Believe, Achieve, and Belong.
We deliver a curriculum, which offers breadth, depth and relevance and is underpinned by our school values of respect, learning, equity, inclusion, community and nurture.
Rockfield has a staffing complement that includes the Head Teacher, 3 Depute Head Teachers and 1 Principal Teacher. Classroom Assistants Pupil Support Assistants and Additional Support Needs Assistants provide support to teaching staff and pupils.
As the oldest primary school in Oban, Rockfield has strong traditional links with the community. Our ethos reflects the community in which we live and work reflecting Gaelic language and culture, traditional music and sport. We welcome and promote the involvement of both parents/ carers and community members within the school who support and enhance the pupil’s learning.
We have an active Parent Teachers’ Association, which incorporates the Parent Council, who are very supportive of the school.
Pupils are encouraged to participate in all extra-curricular activities, which vary depending on interest and demand. These vary on an annual basis.
Further information including a copy of the School Handbook and Improvement Plan can be obtained from the Headteacher, Mrs Caroline Fothergill at the following address.
HMIE inspection Reports:HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) inspects and reports on the quality of education in pre-school centres, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, community learning and development services, colleges, and residential educational provision.
You can read and download any inspection reports for this school, and find out more about the inspection process, on the Education Scotland website.