Riding establishment licences


Applicant Business Address of Premises Area Licence Type Expiry Date Application Status
Allison MacLeod Achnalarig Stables Achnalarig Farm, Glencruitten, Oban, PA34 4QA OLI Riding 31-Dec-24  
Julie A MacInnes Tiree Trekking 3 Upper Balinoe, Isle of Tiree OLI Riding 31-Dec-24  
Patricia O’Reilly Lunga Riding Stables Craobh Haven, Lochgilphead, PA31 8UU MAKI Riding 31-Dec-24  
Mrs Elizabeth Henderson Mull Pony Trekking Killiechronan Estate, Aros, Isle of Mull, PA72 6JU OLI Riding 31-Dec-24  
Laura McMillan Ardbrannan Riding Centre Eastlands Road
Canada Hill
Isle of Bute 
PA20 9EL
B&C Riding 31-Dec-24  
Ms Cara Gelati and Ms Nikki Dayton Wilder Ways Glen Kerran Farm, Southend, Kintyre, PA28 6PJ MAKI Riding 31-Dec-24  
Kirsty Douglas/Kate Bennet   Gareloch RDA Ardencaple Farm, Rhu, Helensburgh, G84 8JX  H&L  Riding 31-Dec-24  
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