Population: Where We Live

Facts and figures about Argyll and Bute's population.

1.  Key points

The 2022 Census enumerated the population of Argyll and Bute at 85,953.  The National Records of Scotland (NRS) more recent mid-year estimates calculated Argyll and Bute’s population to be 87,810 (NRS  Mid Year Estimate 2023).

  • Argyll and Bute covers a land area of 690,946 hectares and is the second largest local authority by area in Scotland, after Highland (Census 2022).
  • Argyll and Bute covers almost 9% of the total Scottish land area (Census 2022). 
  • Argyll and Bute has the fifth sparsest population of the 32 Scottish local authorities, with an average population density of 13 persons per hectare.  This compares to a Scottish average of 70 persons per hectare (NRS 2023 -based Mid Year Estimates).
  • The largest settlement in Argyll and Bute is Helensburgh, with a population of 15,610 (NRS's 2020-based Settlement Estimates). 
  • Argyll and Bute has 42,610 number of households. (NRS Estimates of household and dwellings in Scotland, 2023).
  • 47.2% of Argyll and Bute’s population live in areas classified by the Scottish Government as ‘rural’ (Scottish Government 6-fold Urban-Rural Classification 2020).
  • 43% of Argyll and Bute’s population live in areas classified as ‘remote rural’; 4.2% live in areas classified as ‘accessible rural’.
  • Almost 80% of Argyll and Bute’s population live within 1 km of the coast.  Approximately 97% of Argyll and Bute’s population live between 0 and 10km of the coast (Scottish Coastal Forum 2002).
  • According to the 2022 Census, approximately 17.5% of Argyll and Bute’s population live on islands (15,055 people ).   

2. Introduction

There are a number of ways in which we can think about the geography of our area.  This page looks at a number of these, and how they relate to population patterns across and within the Council area.

3.  Administrative areas

 The Council area is divided up into four Administrative Areas, which are frequently used for service planning within the area.  These are

  • Bute and Cowal
  • Helensburgh and Lomond
  • Mid-Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands
  • Oban, Lorn and the Isles

 Table 1: Population by Administrative Area 

Table 1: Population by Administrative Area
Area Population (NRS 2022 Census )
Bute and Cowal 20,437
Helensburgh and Lomond 24,378
Mid-Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands 20,564
Oban, Lorn and the Isles 20,574
Total 85,953

(Source: NRS 2022 Census)

4.  Islands

There are 28 inhabited islands in Argyll and Bute (2022 Census).  These include: Bute; Coll; Colonsay; Danna; Easdale; Eilean da Mheinn; Erraid; Gigha; Gometra; Inchtavannach; Innischonan; Iona; Islay; Jura; Kerrera; Lismore; Luing; Mull; Oronsay; Seil; Shuna; Tiree; Ulva. (See table 2.)

Argyll and Bute’s inhabited islands had, at the time of the 2022 Census, a total population of 15,055.  This equated to 17.5% of the total population for Argyll and Bute.

Table 2: Population and households by island (2022 Census figures) Please note: islands with smaller populations have been omitted under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). na - not available for disclosure.   Please note, the total islands population includes redacted figures for smaller islands and therefore will be different from totalling the numbers quoted for individual islands here.

Table 2: Population and households by island
Island Population Households
Bute 6,047 3,328
Coll 176 99
Colonsay 117 59
Danna na na
Davaar - -
Easdale 61 31
Eilean Buidhe na na
Eilean Loain na na
Eilean da Mheinn na na
Eriska 21 9
Erraid na na
Gigha 187 84
Gometra na na
Inchtavannach na na
Innischonan na na
Iona 178 84
Islay 3,180 1,570
Jura 258 124
Kerrera 61 21
Lismore 190 91
Luing 178 110
Lunga (Luing) - -
Mull 3,063 1,441
Oronsay na na
Rubha Fiola na na
Rubha nan Gall na na
Sanda - -
Seil 580 279
Shuna (Luing) na na
Tiree 700 322
Ulva na na
Total 15,055 7,688
(Source: Census 2022)    

 5.  Urban and rural populations

The Scottish Government’s 6-Fold Urban Rural Classification (2016) classifies the whole of Scotland into the following categories:

1. Large Urban Areas: settlements of over 125,000 people
2. Other urban areas: settlements of 10,000 to 125,000 people
3. Accessible small towns: settlements of between 3,000 and 10,000 people and within 30 minutes drive time of a settlement of 10,000 or more
4. Remote small towns: settlements of between 3,000 and 10,000 people and with a drive time of over 30 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more
5. Accessible rural: settlements of less than 3,000 people (or areas with no settlements) and within 30 minutes drive of a settlement of 10,000 or more
6. Remote rural: settlements of less than 3,000 people (or areas with no settlements) and with a drive time of over 30 minutes to a settlement of 10,000 or more.

Table 4 shows how the population of Argyll and Bute is distributed between the categories used in the Urban-Rural classification.  Over half Argyll and Bute’s population lives in areas identified as being ‘rural’.  In turn, ‘rural’ areas account for over 99% of Argyll and Bute’s total land area.

Table 3: Population living in the six categories of the Scottish Government's 6-Fold Urban Rural Classification 

Table 3: Population living in the six categories of the Scottish Government's 6-Fold Urban Rural Classification
6-Fold Urban-Rural Classification Percentage total population
1. Large urban areas 0.0
2. Other urban areas 17.9
3. Accessible small towns 4.2
4. Remote small towns 30.6
5. Accessible rural 4.2
6. Remote rural 43.0
Total 100.0

 (Source: Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2016.)

6  Settlements

Different organisations define settlements in different ways.  The NRS defines a settlement  as a ‘contiguous group of high density postcodes with a population of 500 or more’ .  According to this definition, Argyll and Bute has 20 settlements (see table 4).

Table 4: Settlement populations

Table 4: Settlement populations
Settlement Population (2020-based Settlement Estimates)
Ardrishaig 1,220
Bowmore 710
Campbeltown 4,500
Cardross 2,070
Dunbeg 720
Dunoon, Settlement of 8,980
Garelochhead 3,650
Helensburgh, Settlement of 15,610
Innellan 1,140
Inveraray 570
Kilcreggan 1,280
Lochgilphead 2,280
Oban 8,140
Port Bannatyne 1,090
Port Ellen 810
Rosneath 1,260
Rothesay 4,310
Tarbert 1,120
Tighnabruaich 550
Tobermory 1,000
(Source: NRS Mid 2020 Population Estimates for Settlements)  

 By comparison, Argyll and Bute Council’s Development Plan suggests that six dwellings is the minimum number of units that comprise a ‘minor settlement’.  On the basis of this definition, there are some 215 to 220 settlements within the local authority area.  Approximately 83% of the area’s population live in, and 17% live outwith, these settlements.  Almost a quarter of the area’s population live in settlements of less than 1,000 people or outwith a settlement entirely.

Data verified: October 2024

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