
Apply for licenses and permits

You can find a list of our charges for council services, including charges for licenses and permits, on our council fees and charges page. 

Here are the charges for our Civic Government Licences.

Please use this form if you wish to make any changes to your civic government licence.

If you are not applying online, payments can be made by telephone; BACS or cheque (made payable to Argyll and Bute Council). Please contact the Licensing Office on 01546 604355 or email

For further information regarding any Licensing issues please contact the Council's Licensing Department on 01546 604355 or email:

Animal Boarding Licence

The keeping and running of animal boarding establishments (Catteries and Kennels) is controlled by the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963. No person may keep a boarding establishment for animals without a licence from their local authority. Day boarding and home boarding refers to a business that provides accommodation for such animals. The number of dogs and cats that may be accommodated will be specified on the licence along with other specific conditions.

Animal rehoming activities

Any person or organisation that supplies animals as pets to persons in Scotland that have been sourced for that purpose from either within or outwith Scotland must, subject to a few exceptions, be licenced. An example would be a person or organisation that sources street or rescue dogs from Eastern Europe for the purposes of rehoming them with persons in Scotland.

Animal welfare establishment

Any persons or organisations operating animal welfare establishments (such as animal sanctuaries or animal rehoming centres) where 8 animals (excluding fish) or 5 dogs or 5 equines are kept at the same time by the operator of the animal welfare establishment must be licenced.

Boat Hire Licence

Where a person uses or hires a boat to carry for reward, 12 or fewer persons for pleasure, recreational, educational or sporting purposes, a Boat Hire Licence is required.

Boilers and Chimneys

The Clean Air Act requires that all new industrial boiler plants shall be capable of operating without emitting smoke and a proposed installation must be notified to the council. Solid fuel boilers with the capacity to burn fuel at a rate exceeding 45.4 kg/hr will require the chimney height to be approved and may require a dust arrestment plant to be fitted. Approval of chimney height is also required for gas or oil boilers whose capacity exceeds 366.4 kW.

Booking Office Licence

To enable a person to operate a booking office within Argyll and Bute, you need a licence from the Local Authority.


There is no licence required to busk or perform street entertainment in Argyll and Bute, however it is advisable you contact Police Scotland to ensure that you are not/will not be causing an obstruction. Please note that is an offence to give any other person reasonable cause for annoyance and fail to cease playing on being required to do so by the Police. This may result in a summary conviction and a fine of up to £200.

Caravan site licence

To run a caravan and camping site, you need a licence from the local authority. The number of caravans permitted on the site will be specified on the licence along with other specific conditions which are designed to provide adequate standards of amenities, facilities to users and more importantly to protect their health and safety.

Cat breeding

Any person breeding 3 or more litters of kittens in any 12 month period must be licensed. The requirement to be licensed applies whether the breeder sells or otherwise supplies a kitten as a pet to another person.

Charitable Collections

Any person who organises a public charitable collection (a collection from the public of money for charitable purposes taken either in a public place or by means of visits from place to place) must apply to the relevant local authority for permission.

Child Performance Licence

In order to comply with legislation all completed paperwork must be received at least 21 days before the date the licence is required.

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