I hope my child looks back on today
And sees a parent who had time to play
There will be years for cleaning and cooking
But children grow up when you’re not looking
So settle down, cobwebs, dust, go to sleep
I’m cuddling my baby, and babies don’t keep
There are little eyes upon you and they’re watching night and day
There are little ears that quickly take in everything you say
There are little hands all eager to do everything you do
And a little boy (girl) who’s dreaming of the day he’ll (she’ll) be like you.
You’re the little fellow’s (lady’s) idol, you’re the wisest of the wise
In his (her) little mind about you no suspicions ever rise
There’s a wide-eyed little fellow (lady) who believes you’re always right
And his (her) ears are always open and he (she) watches day and night.
You are setting an example every day in all you do
For the little boy (girl) who’s waiting to grow up to be like you.
3 IF
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn
If children live with hostility, they learn how to fight
If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty
If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient
If children live with encouragement, they learn to have confidence
If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate
If children live with fairness, they learn justice
If children live with security, they learn to have faith
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves
If children live with love around them, they learn to give love to the world.
It’s very special to be a grandparent it’s not an everyday event
We have to make special arrangements to see each other
And if I weary of childish behaviour
Then I know that we shall eventually part again
So I can afford to be tolerant
It’s like having all the joys of parenthood without the pain.
I will greet …………….. with love in my heart
I will pick him up when he falls and soothe away any tears
I will endeavour to answer the “why”
Questions as he tries to make sense of his world
I will rejoice in his achievements and
Probably tell them to anyone prepared to listen to my pride
While I have health and strength, I will do
My utmost to ensure that no harm befalls ……,
that he always knows that he is
Loved and that he knows he can to me
At any time for advice or consolation
When children come into our lives
They bring a world of joys
Laughter and discoveries, kisses, hugs and toys
Each day brings new surprises, special wonders to explore
When children come into our lives our world is new once more.
Follow Your Dreams When others say “It’s hopeless and it really can’t be done.
” When they tell you “It’s all over. It’s a race that can’t be won.”
And they promise “You could spend your life just lying in the sun.”
Follow your dreams boy. Follow your dreams!
When the people you admire, but who wouldn’t understand,
Tell you “Other roads are safer. Your dreams are much too grand.”
Or the doubters and the tempters try to take you by the hand.
Follow your dreams boy. Follow your dreams!
You should listen to the counsel of the people that you trust.
But don’t be turned aside just because they might get fussed
You live the life that in your heart you know you really must.
Follow your dreams boy. Follow your dreams!
There is nothing you can’t conquer if you believe you can.
No mountains you can’t straddle, no oceans you can’t span.
Just conjure up a vision and set yourself a plan.
Follow your dreams boy. Follow your dreams!
My parents are planting a garden – a garden of the heart,
They’re planting all the good things to give my life its start.
They’ll turn me to the sunshine and encourage me to dream,
Fostering and nurturing the seeds of selfesteem.
And when the winds and rain come, they’ll protect me well enough,
But not too much, because they know I’ll
need to stand up strong and tough.
Their constant good example will teach me right from wrong,
Markers for my pathway to last a lifetime long.
I am my parents’ garden, I am their legacy,
And I hope they’ll always feel the love reflected back from me
…bright as a flower
Lovely child we welcome you
Into our world, into our lives
On this your special naming day.
…happy little spirit.
Smiling child we wish you joy
and health and strength and love and peace
On this your special naming day.
…lively little girl/boy
Perfect child we send you our blessings
For a long and happy life, energy and freedom
On this your special naming day.
…our love goes out to you precious child with eyes so wide
Waving arms and dancing feet,
And busy hands which hold so tight
On this your special naming day.
A Parent’s love is something, that no one can explain
It is made of deep devotion, and is sacrifice and pain
It is endless and unselfish, and enduring, come what may
For nothing can destroy it, or take that love away
It is patient and forgiving, when all others are forsaking
And it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking
It believes beyond believing, when the world around condemns
And it glows with all the beauty of the rarest, brightest gems
It is far beyond defining, it defies all explanation
And it still remains a secret, like the mysteries of creation
A many splendored miracle, man cannot understand
And special wondrous evidence, of life’s tender guiding hand
When you thought I wasn’t looking,
I saw you hang my first picture on the refrigerator, and
immediately I wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you
feed a stray, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you
make my favourite cake for me and I learned
that the little things can be the special things in life.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you
make a meal and take it to a friend who was
sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you
give some of your time and money to help
people who had nothing and I learned that
those who have something should give to those who don’t.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you
take care of our house and everyone in it and
I learned we have to take care of what we are given.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw
how you handled your responsibilities, even
when you didn’t feel good and I learned that
I would have to be responsible when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw
tears come from your eyes and I learned that
sometimes things hurt, but it’s all right to cry.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw that
you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I learned
most of life’s lessons that I need to know to
be a good and productive person when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, I looked
at you and wanted to say, “Thanks for all
the things I saw when you thought I wasn’t looking.”

I didn’t expect a brass band, with welcome mat unfurled
To be on hand when I arrived in this confusing world
Nor did I expect a Doctor to hold me by the feet
Then quickly turn me upside down and spank me on the seat
At first I wasn’t quite prepared for this enormous place
Nor the funny characters that I would have to face
But I soon learned to get my way by looking sweet and shy
And when I wanted to be held to make a fuss and cry
I’ve found it doesn’t take much difficulty or guile
To wrap them round my finger – all I need to do is smile!
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn;
If children live with hostility, they learn how to fight;
If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient;
If children live with encouragement, they
learn to have confidence;
If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate;
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith;
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves;
If children live with love around them, they
learn to give love to the world.
Watch and wait and listen as I learn and grow
Know when to let me have my way and when to tell me no!
Help me when I need you but it’s
OK to let me cry I’ll never learn to do things if I never get to try!
Give me your time and not your treasures, read me a story or two
And remember that being my parents
Is the most special job to do.
Perfect child we send you our blessings
For a long and happy life, energy and freedom
On this your special naming day.
…our love goes out to you precious child with eyes so wide
Waving arms and dancing feet,
And busy hands which hold so tight
On this your special naming day.
Babies are angels that fly to the earth
Their wings disappear at the time of their birth
One look in their eyes and we’re never the same
They’re part of us now and that part has a name
That part is your heart and a bond that won’t sever
Our babies are angels, we love them forever
She’s your brand new little daughter,
So enchanted, sweet and smart
With a coo, she’ll have you smiling
With a laugh she’ll own your heart
It’s the time for hugs and kisses,
Reassurance when she cries
It’s the time for making moments
Full of love and lullabies
For these golden days of childhood
Come and go so very fast
Hold her tight and love her dearly
Make these precious moments last
May the strength of the wind and the light of the sun,
The softness of the rain and the mystery of the moon
Reach you and fill you.
May beauty delight you and happiness uplift you,
May wonder fulfil you and love surround you,
May your step be ready and your arm be strong,
May your heart be peaceful and your word be true.
May you seek to learn, may you learn to live,
May you seek to love, and may you love always.
Little miracle child, born out of love into love
I give you the world, at your feet, in your hands
Spinning in colours like the kaleidoscope of your eyes
A world of wonders, dreams and distant lands.
Little child, whose smile warms a room like sudden sunshine
Take this world and climb the mountains with your head held high
Walk tall on the peaks in the dazzle of crisp new snow
Look down at the valleys but aim for the sky.
Little child, take this world and bravely sail its stormy seas
Captain a ship that’s strong, with a map and compass of your own
Choose a crew with care to fight the monsters of the deep
And keep your anchor ready for a haven you can call home.
Little child, round-bottomed soft skinned and chubby limbed
And tiny hands that touch everything with wonder
Make peace your mission and treat this world with gentleness.
Little child, this world is yours, a gift from those already older
And as you grow and your steps are stronger, bolder
And when our days fade, are darker, colder
May you too find a love that’s bright and free
And hold your own child on your knee.
There’s two to wash, there’s two to dry;
There’s two who argue, there’s two who cry.
One’s in the mud, having a ball;
The other holds a crayon…another marked wall.
Some days seem endless, my patience grows thin.
Why was I chosen to be a mother of twins?
The answer comes clear – at the end of the day,
As I tuck them in bed and myself I say…
There’s two to kiss, there’s two to hug;
And best of all, there’s two to love.
Little miracle child, born out of love into love,
I give you the world, at your feet, in your hands
Spinning in colours like the kaleidoscope of your eyes
A world of wonders, dreams and distant lands.
Little child, whose smile warms a room like sudden sunshine
Take this world and climb the mountains with your head held high
Walk tall on the peaks in the dazzle of crisp new snow
Look down at the valleys but aim for the sky.
Little child, take this world and bravely sail its stormy seas
Captain a ship that’s strong, with a map and compass of your own ,
Choose a crew with care to fight the monsters of the deep
And keep your anchor ready for a haven you can call home.
Little child, round bottomed, soft skinned and chubby limbed
With lips that melt petal soft in the caress of your mothers breast
And tiny hands that touch everything with wonder
Make peace your mission and treat this world with gentleness.
Was that a shooting star I saw
It’s rare for me to make a wish at all
Because I feel that I can only hope
These dangerous times , we are barely afloat.
And I hope the world will heal itself
And our worn out souls along with it
So that you will get a chance to say
That you have seen a better day.
You’ve got the moon on your pyjamas
And the stars in your eyes
Sweet child you’re a dream in disguise
Angels on silver strings hang from above
Let love and laughter shine where ever you go.
Through your eyes I’ve come to see
How beautiful my life can be
And I’ll keep this wish, this time, I think
And blow it in with a kiss upon your head
And I hope the world will heal itself
And the worn out souls along with it
So that you will get a chance to see
A summer’s blue sky behind the green trees.
You’ve got the moon on your pyjamas
And the stars in your eyes
Sweet child you’re a dream in disguise
Angels on silver strings hang from above
Let love and laughter shine wherever you go
I want you to be happy. I want you to fill your heart with feelings of wonder and to be full of courage and hope.
I want you to be full of friendship that is
a treasure – and the kind of love that is
beautiful forever. I wish you contentment: the
sweet, quiet, inner kind that comes around and never goes away.
I want you to have hopes and have them all come true.
I want you to make the most of this moment in time.
I want you to have a real understanding of how unique and rare you truly are.
I want to remind you that the sun may disappear for a while, but it never forgets to shine.
I want you to have faith. May you have feelings that are shared from heart to heart, simple pleasures amidst this complex world, and wonderful goals that are within your grasp.
May the words you listen to say the things you need
to hear. And may a cheerful face lovingly look back at you when you happen to glance in your mirror.
I wish you the insight to see your inner and outer beauty.
I wish you sweet dreams. I want you to have times when you feel like singing and dancing and laughing out loud.
I want you to be able to make your good times better and your hard times easier
to handle. I want you to have millions of moments when you find satisfaction in the
things you do so wonderfully. And I wish I could find a way to tell you – in untold ways – how important you are to me.
Of all the things I’ll be wishing for, wherever you are and whatever I may do, there will
never be a day in my life when I won’t be
wishing the best…for you.
I wish you such a happy life
That’s jam-packed full of fun
Adventures, friendships, laughter, love
And picnics in the sun
I wish you a courageous life
With no dreams left untried
So that, whichever path you take
You’ll always walk with pride
I wish you an accomplished life
That celebrates your wins
But let you know the equal joy
Of simply joining in.
But most of all, I wish for you
The life that you will choose
Your name is given, but who you’ll be
Is completely down to you.