Renewal of vows
Find out what a renewal of vows is and who can have them.
Find out the fees for Renewal of Vows ceremony
Some examples to inspire you and help make your day more personal and special to you.
Some example vows to inspire you and help make your day more personal and special to you.
You may wish to make a promise to one another; you can write your own making the meaning more personal to one another.
Examples of how you can exchange your original weddings rings or exchange something else meaningful for you.
Many couples wish to include music into their ceremony.
You can ask a family member or guest to tell the story of your life together so far, this can include how you met, how you were proposed to or what your plans for the future may be.
There are many ways you may like to remember loved ones on your day who for whatever reason cannot be with you
The Registrar can include as part of your ceremony a thank you to those who have travelled from away for attending or someone who has helped with the all the arrangements.
Our focus is on making it possible for couples to have the day they are dreaming of. Getting in touch with the relevant registrar as early as possible helps to achieve this.
Your civil marriage ceremony is a very personal occasion and all Argyll and Bute Registration staff want to help you make your ceremony special and tailored to your requirements.