Decision details


Decision Maker: Argyll and Bute Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council gave consideration to a report setting out vacancies within the Council and with external organisations following the passing of Councillor Robin Currie.  The report also provided the updated Political Composition of the Council.




The Council –


1.               agreed the following appointments:


a)              Joint Depute Leader – Cllr Ross Moreland

b)              Vice Chair, Environment, Development, and Infrastructure Committee – Cllr Ross Moreland

c)               Policy and Resources Committee  - Cllr Luna Martin

d)              Environment, Development, and Infrastructure Committee - Cllr Jan Brown

e)              Employee Joint Consultative Committee - Cllr Math Campbell-Sturgess

f)                COSLA Community Wellbeing Board –  Cllr Ross Moreland

g)              COSLA Scottish Joint Council for Local Government Employees - Cllr William Sinclair 

h)              A83 Taskforce - Cllr William Sinclair

i)                 Argyll and Bute Renewables Alliance – Cllr Jim Lynch;


2.               noted that Cllr Jan Brown was standing down from the Community Services Committee with immediate effect, leaving a vacancy on that Committee;


3.               Agreed that the remaining appointments, listed below, be considered at an appropriate opportunity following the conclusion of the Ward 2, Kintyre, and the Islands By-Election:


a)              West Highland Housing Association Board (one vacancy for a councillor from either the Oban, Lorn and Isles or Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands areas) Argyll Islands Sounding Board (Vice Chair, one vacancy)

b)              Clyde, Kintyre, and the Islands Ferry Stakeholders Group

c)               Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle (ICCI) – The Gaelic Centre, Islay

d)              SOILLSE – National Network for Gaelic Research Consultative Committee

e)              Community Services Committee (one vacancy); and


4.               noted the updated Political Composition of the Council.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director with responsibility for Legal and Regulatory Support dated 22 May 2024, submitted; and Motion by Councillor Jim Lynch, seconded by Councillor Ross Moreland, tabled)

Publication date: 28/06/2024

Date of decision: 27/06/2024

Decided at meeting: 27/06/2024 - Argyll and Bute Council

Accompanying Documents: