Decision details

Community Resilience

Decision Maker: Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Community Safety Forum

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Partnership heard from Morag Brown, IOD Programme Manager, on the background to Community Resilience at Argyll and Bute Council.  She advised that following on from the recent Kintyre Emergency, 47% of local Community Councils across the Argyll and Bute area were preparing emergency plans and her team was tasked with assisting in the development of these plans.  In the MAKI area 33% were in the process of compiling plans.  She reported that the Scottish Government had provided a £10,000 grant and this funding had been utilised to purchase emergency kitbags.  These are to be distributed to participating Community Councils and other appropriate groups, as necessary.   


At the recent MAKI Business Day held on 1 May, there had been a debrief to capture local issues encountered during the recent Kintyre Weather Emergency and Attendees had comprised representatives  from local communities, Elected Members and local Partners.  This debrief was thought to have been effective and again highlighted the necessity for good communication at all levels.


Discussion continued in regards responsibility of the Civil Contingency Team on the Islands.  Glenmore Roberts stated that the Community Council were happy with the level of support by the Civil Contingency Team on Islay.  Morag Brown offered assistance in reviewing the current Islay Emergency Plan; and detailed the benefit of having 2 interrelated plans in place in the event of future emergencies; the first plan being the emergency services response in the event of an emergency and the second being the community response which can help target the emergency services reponse. Chief Inspector Baillie reiterated this point and highlighted the need to target and formalise local intelligence.


Councillor Horn indicated that she had concerns regarding a specific local community council and would make direct contact with Morag Brown to discuss the detail.




It was agreed that Morag Brown would instigate a meeting with Glenmore Roberts to give further discussion and guidance on their Emergency Plan. 

Publication date: 10/05/2013

Date of decision: 07/05/2013

Decided at meeting: 07/05/2013 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Community Safety Forum