Decision details


Decision Maker: Audit Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


A report advising of recently published reports by Audit Scotland was before the Committee for consideration along with management responses where applicable.




1.        Noted the contents of the report,


2.        Noted that in future the full Audit Scotland National Reports will be issued to Audit Committee Members as they are published and advising at which Audit Committee meeting they will be discussed.  A summary of these reports will be included in future agenda packs along with management responses where applicable,


3.        Noted that in the Audit Scotland report “Major Capital investments in Councils” reference was made in the Action Plan to training in capital investment issues and that this was to be included in the forthcoming member development programme and agreed that the Head of Strategic Finance would bring back a report in December 2013 on how to report outcomes openly and transparently without compromising commercial sensitivity,


4.        Noted that in the Audit Scotland report “Responding to Challenges and Change” Appendix 1 was a schedule of action points for Councillors and agreed that this report and these action points would be brought to the attention of the Council to be addressed under the forthcoming member development programme,


5.        Noted that an Audit Scotland report entitled “Maintaining Scotland’s Roads” will come to the Audit Committee in September 2013 along with a management response from the Head of Roads and Amenity Services,


6.        Noted that a further management report will be brought to the Audit Committee in September 2013 in respect of progress in relation to the two Audit Scotland National Reports on Health Inequalities and Improving Community Planning, and


7.        Noted that a report regarding SOLACE benchmarking would be going to the Strategic Management Team and agreed to request an update on progress from the Head of Improvement and HR in December 2013.


(Reference: Report by Chief Internal Auditor dated 13 June 2013 and reports by Audit Scotland entitled “Major Capital Investment in Councils” dated March 2013, “Responding to challenges and change” dated March 2013, “National Scrutiny Plan for Local Government 2013/14, “Managing early departures from the Scottish public sector” dated May 2013 and “Improving community planning in Scotland” dated March 2013, submitted)


The Chair adjourned the meeting at 1.00pm and re-convened at 1.10pm.

Publication date: 26/06/2013

Date of decision: 21/06/2013

Decided at meeting: 21/06/2013 - Audit Committee

Accompanying Documents: