Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/06/2014 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 18)


Report by Legal Services Manager


Additional documents:


Members considered a report advising of the informal consultation on the proposed new byelaws for Rothesay Harbour.  Councillor MacIntyre read out a letter from George MacKenzie, which Mr Kelly agreed could be considered as part of the consultation process.  Councillor MacIntyre gave the letter to Mr Kelly who advised that he would write to Mr MacKenzie addressing the points raised. 




Agree recommendation 2.1 of report and note the progress on revising the outdated bye laws for revision is closely related to the long standing issue between the owner of the vessel Seahorse 2 and Rothesay Harbour management. 


This motion expresses concern at the lack of progress in settling the claim against the Council and requests that an urgent report is prepared by officers for an emergency meeting of the Harbour Authority, date to be agreed.  This report will propose options to settle the claim, one of which will be agreed by the Harbour Authority with, if necessary, that agreed option being put to a full Council meeting for final approval. 


Moved by Councillor Breslin, seconded by Councillor Strong. 




To agree to recommendation 2.1 in the report. 


Moved by Councillor Walsh, seconded by Councillor Scoullar.





On a show of hands vote the Amendment was carried by 5 votes to 4 and the Area Committee resolved accordingly.


(Ref:  Report by Legal Services Manager – Commercial, dated 3rd June 2014, submitted).
