Issue - meetings

Queen's Hall Regeneration - Property Acquisition

Meeting: 11/06/2014 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 20)

Queen's Hall Regeneration - Property Acquisition

Report by Regeneration Project Manager



Members considered a report outlining the current status of the property acquisition process and associated costs involved in the purchase of the affected properties. 




That the Area Committee   ask  the Council   for additional funds   to bring the contingency funding for this project  to a suitable level as agreed by the Project team. 


Moved by Councillor Breslin, seconded by Councillor Blair. 




To agree the recommendations outlined at section 2.0 of the submitted report.


Moved by Councillor Walsh, seconded by Councillor Marshall.




On a show of hands vote the Amendment was carried by 5 votes to 2 and the Area Committee resolved accordingly. 


(Ref: Report Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services, dated 3rd June 2014, submitted).
