Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/03/2020 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 4)




Question from Robert MacIntyre, Transportation Spokesperson for Bute Community Council


Mr MacIntyre asked why there had been a reduction on spending on roads and pavements in the last year despite their deterioration in Rothesay and on Bute as a whole.  He stated that additional funding was now available from the Scottish Government and asked how much of this was going to be allocated to roads.


Response from Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services


Mr Smith responded that the roads network had seen significant investment over several years, some of which had been match funded through timber transport monies.  He also stated a reasonable capital programme would continue over the next couple of years.


Mr Smith explained that roads are subjected to routine inspection with additional inspections carried out in response to issues reported by members of public and that the Committee and members of the public could expect to see an annual status report published later in the year. He also encouraged people to report dangerous defects via the online system.


Question from Isobel Strong, Resident on Bute


Ms Strong reported that utility companies were not reinstating the roads and pavements on Bute to an acceptable standard after digging up the surfaces. Ms Strong highlighted Ministers Brae as a particular example of bad practise.


Response from Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services


Mr Smith responded that utility companies were obliged to submit a notice to the council who would then check that the affected surface was left in an acceptable condition after the works were completed. If it is found the surface was not reinstated to a satisfactory condition and, if appropriate, the council can impose a financial penalty.  He agreed to look into this case further and provide an update to the Committee.


Question from Hamish Kirk, Resident in Rothesay


Mr Kirk raised the issue about cars parking on pavements which was causing deterioration in pavements in several locations as well as posing potential dangers to pedestrians. He asked if this was a criminal offence and what was being done to prevent people from parking illegally.


Response from Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services


Mr Smith explained that currently it was a criminal offence under Road Traffic Act which meant it was for the Police to enforce.  However, the Scottish Transport Bill, which is currently going through Scottish Parliament, will de-criminalise parking on pavements which may allow council officers to issue penalty charges at some point in the future. Mr Smith also confirmed that there is still a traffic warden employed with responsibility for the island.


Discussion focussed on what the definition of an obstruction was; parking on double yellow lines and what the Police are doing to tackle illegal parking.  Councillor Reid agreed to raise the issue with the Police at the next meeting of the Cowal Transport Forum and the Chair agreed to invite the Police to the next Bute and Cowal Area Business Day.


Question from Robert MacIntyre, Transportation Spokesperson for Bute Community Council


Mr MacIntyre asked when work on the Rothesay Pavilion would be completed.


Response from Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services


Mr Smith confirmed that the hand-over date to the Rothesay Pavilion Trust was planned to be March/April 2020 with the anticipated opening date of late Summer/early Autumn.


Question from Robert MacIntyre, Transportation Spokesperson for Bute Community Council


Mr MacIntyre asked if the ward 8 members were happy with the amount of time the Rothesay Pavilion project had taken.


Response from Ward 8 Members


Councillor Findlay responded that he was not happy with the length of time it had taken but that there were well documented reasons as to why it had taken so long.


Councillor Moffat stated that it would have been preferable if the time taken had been less but there were complicated structural issues that had to be resolved.


Councillor Scoullar said that he was increasingly optimistic as the main contractor was almost complete.
