Issue - meetings

Budget Proposals

Meeting: 25/03/2020 - Argyll and Bute HSCP Integration Joint Board (IJB) (Item 9)

9 Budget Proposals pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Report by Head of Finance and Transformation


Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report that presented savings proposals identified by the Strategic Leadership Team in order to deliver a balanced budget in 2020-21.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    Noted the management/operational savings amounting to £4.157m approved by the IJB on 29 January 2020 in 2020-21.


2.    Approved the changes to the Management & Operational savings set out at 3.2.4 to 3.2.5  amounting to £85k for 2020-21 and the revised list of savings now presented at Appendix 1 totalling £4.242m.


3.    Approved the removal of previously agreed saving 1920-6 £25k relating to ferry ticketing as set out at 3.2.6.


4.    Approved the policy savings at Appendix 2 amounting to £1.463m in 2020-21.


5.    Approved the proposed investment in financial sustainability totalling £318k in 2020/21 and 2021/22 set at 3.3.8.


6.    Noted that in endorsing the management/operational savings and approving the policy savings this will deliver a balanced budget in 2020-21. 


7.    Instructed the Chief Officer to accept the funding from NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Council and issue formal Directions (see drafts at Appendix 3) delegating resources back to the Partners.


8.    Noted the high level timetable for the budget preparation 2021-22 set out at 3.5.1.


9.    Noted that there would be additional costs due to Covid-19, which should be recoverable from the Scottish Government, and that therefore the savings may need to be flexed accordingly.


(Reference:  Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated March 2020, submitted)
