Issue - meetings


Meeting: 01/12/2020 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 4)




Question from Kenny Matheson – Convener, Dunoon Community Council


The below question was read out by the Committee Manager;


Mr Matheson requested an update on pedestrianisation of Argyll Street


Response from Assistant Network and Standards Manager


The below response was read out by the Committee Manager;


There had been discussions between Officers but no practical solution had been developed.


Question from Kenny Matheson – Convener, Dunoon Community Council


The below question was read out by the Committee Manager;


Mr Matheson requested an update on the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), including double yellow lines in Dunoon.


Response from Assistant Network and Standards Manager


The below response was read out by the Committee Manager;


Where there are yellow road markings (no waiting or no waiting/no loading) then these must have a TRO to be enforceable.  If there is no TRO the lines should be removed.  Should there be a query about a specific location, then the Assistant Network and Standards Manager would provide a response to suit.


Question from Kenny Matheson – Convener, Dunoon Community Council


The below question was read out by the Committee Manager;


Could the Area Committee ask the Chief Officer of the HSCP if she could update Dunoon Community Council on the total number of Deaths in Ashgrove Care Home Dunoon?


Response from Business Improvement Manager, HSCP


The below response was read out by the Committee Manager;


The issue had been raised with the Public Health team and the response was still pending. The response would be circulated to the Area Committee and Mr Matheson when received.


The Committee Manager confirmed that the response to each of Mr Matheson’s questions would be sent to him and that should further information be requested the appropriate Officer would be notified.
