Issue - meetings

Covid-19 Response and Financial Implications

Meeting: 31/03/2021 - Argyll and Bute HSCP Integration Joint Board (IJB) (Item 10)

10 Covid-19 Response and Financial Implications pdf icon PDF 245 KB


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The Board gave consideration to a report providing an overview of the Health and Social Care partnership’s Covid-19 mobilisation costs and its future cost planning for living and operating with Covid-19.  The report provided a snapshot of the financial estimates of the costs of dealing with the Covid-19 response.  The cost estimates, which were updated on a regular basis were subject to considerable uncertainties.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    Noted the details provided in relation to Covid-19 response and associated mobilisation plan costing for 2020-21 and subsequent years.


2.    Acknowledged the uncertainties in the cost elements submitted and around Covid-19 recovery funding in the future.


3.    Noted that the Scottish Government has in principle approved all mobilisation plans, but that approval for individual cost lines has not yet been received.


4.    Noted that any excess funding received must be carried forward as an earmarked reserve at the year end to be used against Covid costs next year.


(Reference:  Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated 31 March 2021, submitted)

