Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/08/2023 - Bute and Cowal Community Planning Group (Item 10)


Presentation by Jim Osborne, Bute Community Councillor



Jim Osborne from Bute Community Council provided the group with an update on the consultation exercise currently being undertaken by the Community Council. Jim advised that the new Community Council agreed last year to revisit a conversation that took place in 2015 on how the Community Council can improve Bute and reverse depopulation on the Island.


Mr Osbourne advised that the Community Council had organised a public meeting in Rothesay at the end of March where around 60 people attended and presented their views on how to improve the Island with 7 main themes emerging, the top 3 being, facilities for visitors, town regeneration and facilities for young people.


Jim advised that a couple of follow up meetings with other communities on Bute had been organised with similar outcomes emerging, with facilities for the elderly being added as a main theme.


It was also highlighted that the Community Council are still in the process of Community engagement and at this time need to set up meetings with other communities and with young people on Bute to find out their thoughts and what they would like to see in the area.




The Bute and Cowal Area Community Planning Group considered and noted the information provided.


(Reference: Verbal Report by Jim Osborne, Bute Community Council)
