Issue - meetings

Roads Update

Meeting: 07/10/2024 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 8)

Roads Update

Opportunity for verbal updates by Cowal Transport Forum Members



The Committee Manager advised that there was no-one in attendance from the Roads Department but would be happy to take away any questions.


Tom Murray advised that the community understand that the gritter service in Lochgoilhead will be delivered directly by Argyll and Bute Council and that he had concerns that the large vehicles used by the Council may result in many of the narrow, adopted roads not being treated. Mr Murray asked if any measures have been put in place to ensure that these smaller roads will be treated.


Mr Murray also highlighted that the road at the public toilets in Carrick has many potholes but the pothole machine never visits that area and that the repair work undertaken at Hellsglen has now started to subsidise again.




The Forum noted that the Committee Manager would raise Mr Murray’s concerns with the responsible Council Department and update him accordingly.



Meeting: 18/06/2024 - Cowal Transport Forum (Item 7)

Roads Update

Opportunity for verbal updates by Cowal Transport Forum Members



The Committee Manager advised that there was no-one in attendance from the Roads Department and would be happy to take away any questions.


Kirstie Reid advised that the Strachur Community Council had raised the issue of Timber Lorries in the ditches along Loch Eck, she noticed that the lorries and the buses’ wheels did not fit the width of the road and as a consequence the verges are becoming unstable. Miss Reid also advised that there is also a flood sign which has been at the side of the road for over a year and is now hidden by the long grass.


Simon Stuart of the Timber Transport Group advised that agricultural vehicles are also guilty of this and it is important that the damage is attributed to the right party and that local knowledge is helpful in this regard.  Mr Stuart advised that he would contact the Councils Roads Department on his return to work to get an update on timber related transport damage to verges.




The Committee Manager to take Kirstie’s comments back to the Roads Department.
