Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/04/2009 - Executive (Item 14)


Extract from Minutes of Organisational Development Policy and Performance Group 23 March 2009 and Report by Director of Corporate Services


Additional documents:


Following completion of the High Level Design stage of Process of Change the Council, at its meeting on 5 March 2009, considered recommendations in respect of the 7 Opportunity Themes and agreed to refer these, with the exception of the recommendation relating to the Property Theme, to the Organisational Development PPG for further consideration and to report back to the Executive on 16 April 2009.  The Organisational Development PPG met on 23 March 2009 and considered the report along with a summary of all the questions raised and answers given at the Council Business Day on 24 February and the Council meeting on 5 March 2009 and recommended that the report considered by the Council on 5 March 2009 should now be approved.




1.      To approve recommendations 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7 and 2.8 as set out in the report before the Council on 5 March 2009, noting that recommendation 2.8  referred only to cooperation with Highland, Dumfries and Galloway and Moray Councils which may be taken during the Detailed Design stage and did not refer to cooperation with these Councils in respect of Shared Services in the future; and


2.      To note that the Organisational Development PPG will continue to monitor progress with the Detailed Design Stage of Process for Change through a series of meetings up until December 2009.


(Reference: Extract from Minutes of Organisational Development PPG 23 March 2009; Report by Director of Corporate Services dated 20 March 2009, submitted and Report by Director of Corporate Services dated 24 February 2009, previously submitted to Council on 5 March 2009)
