Issue - meetings

Report by Head of Strategic Finance

Meeting: 26/06/2009 - Audit Committee (Item 3)

3 UNAUDITED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2008 - 2009 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Report by Head of Strategic Finance


Additional documents:


The Committee considered an updated report on the Unaudited 2008 - 2009 Annual Accounts which had previously been considered by the Council.  A report prepared by the Internal Audit Manager on the Internal Control Statement for 2008 – 2009 was also considered.




The Committee agreed:-


1.             To note the Unaudited Accounts and Internal Control Statement for 2008 – 2009;


2.             To note that the Council had agreed, in respect of earmarked balances in the General Fund Reserve that –


(a)                     The balances in relation to the Strategic Housing Fund, NPDO Smoothing Fund and Waste Management PPP Smoothing Fund continue to be earmarked;


(b)                     Any balances identified at the Council meeting on 12 February 2009 to be carried forward to balance the 2009-2010 budget be earmarked and applied to the budget in 2009-2010;


(c)                     Any unspent grants and unspent contributions from external bodies be earmarked; and


(d)                     Any unspent budget that relates to existing policy commitments or is required to meet an existing legal commitment is earmarked.


(Reference: Updated Report by Head of Strategic Finance dated 17 June 2009 and report by Internal Audit Manager dated 22 May 2009, tabled)
