Outcome of Community Planning Self Assessment exercise - Argyll and Bute Council - Improvement and Strategic HR
Jane Fowler intimated that she hoped the group would have a substantive discussion in regards the outcome of the Community Planning Self Assessment exercise and then made a short presentation to the group.
Following on from Jane’s presentation, Hamish Campbell felt that the terminology and language needed to be in layperson terms.
Councillor Colville stated that he appreciated Bute and Cowal LACPG was working well. However, they had achieved this via a different route and the MAKI area would have different views and aspirations. Councillor Semple reiterated that the MAKI area was different in terms of both the geography and local communities.
Councillor Horn reported that both the Mid Argyll Partnership (MAP) and Kintrye Initiative Working Group (KIWG) were working well and functioning effectively
Following extensive discussion, the group agreed on the following recommendations: