Issue - meetings

Adult Support and Protection

Meeting: 07/12/2011 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 5)

5 Adult Support and Protection (Agenda Item 8A) pdf icon PDF 789 KB

A powerpoint presentation by Ronnie McIlquham and Bill Brackenbridge.



Members viewed a presentation informing them on the procedure for support and protecting adults at risk of harm in the Argyll and Bute area.


Ronnie McIlquham provided information and detailed relevant statistics to Members.  He informed Members that it was hoped that groups would be formed to develop a local focus in the MAKI area.


Bill Brackenbridge asked for Members help to make local communities aware of the Adult Support and Protection service.  


Councillor Kelly enquired if figures could be provided for the Kintyre area.  Bill agreed that he would provide these figures.


Councillor Horn asked if referrals were received from local care homes and if there was an onus of responsibility.  Ronnie replied that there was no duty under law for care homes to refer; however, contractually this existed with Argyll and Bute council and they had received a few referrals from local care homes.


Councillor Semple enquired on the problems encountered by elderly residents living in rural communities.  Ronnie detailed the problems in resolving these issues.


The Chair thanked Ronnie and Bill for their interesting and informative presentation.  




Members agreed to note the presentation.



(Ref: A presentation by Ronnie  McIlquham, Area Manager – Adult Proection, dated 7 December 2011, submitted).


