Issue - meetings

Land at St Clair Road, Ardrishaig

Meeting: 07/12/2011 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 12)

Land at St Clair Road, Ardrishaig

A report by Charles Reppke, Head of Governance and Law.


Additional documents:




Prior to discussion of the following item of business Councillor MacMillan and Councillor Philand, having earlier declared respective interests therein, left the meeting and took no part in the discussion


Members considered a report updating on the status of the land at St Clair Road, Ardrishaig.



Members agreed to 1. authorise the Executive Director of Customer Services to negotiate and conclude suitable terms and conditions for the sale of the area of ground referred to as 'the second area of ground' in the report to the neighbouring proprietor, with a condition that it be retained as garden ground; and 2. continue consideration of the area of ground referred to as 'the third area of ground' in the report, and thast a further report thereon be submitted to the next MAKI etc...




Members agreed:-



1.                  To authorise the Executive Director of Customer Services to negotiate and conclude suitable terms and conditions for the sale of the area of ground referred to as 'the second area of ground' in the report to the neighbouring proprietor, with a condition that it be retained as garden ground.

2.                  To  continue consideration of the area of ground referred to as ‘the third area of ground’ in the report, and that a report thereon be submitted to the next MAKI Area Committee scheduled for February 2012.


(Ref: A report by the Head of Governance and Law, dated 7 December 2011, submitted).

