Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion Under Standing Order 13

Meeting: 07/12/2011 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 11)

Notice of Motion Under Standing Order 13

Proposed by Councillor Donald Kelly, seconded by Councillor Douglas Philand.


“That the Area Committee agree to hold a special meeting during the month of January 2012.


The purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the implications of the forthcoming Budget on all local services and departments within the MAKI area.


Further to this, the Committee agree to instruct the Head of Strategic Finance and the appropriate officers to attend the meeting to ensure that full details are disclosed”.  



Members discussed the impact on local services resulting from proposed service cuts and ongoing service reviews.


Councillor Kelly stated that the motion had been submitted for discussion, as he felt that the various budget seminars had not addressed budget implications in any great detail.

Councillor Philand reiterated the need to identify possible alternatives and alert local communities to impending reductions/loss of services.

Ken Macdonald advised that, if the motion was to be approved, any discussion would relate only to the draft budget as it exists at the time of the special meeting, as it would not have been approved by the Council. He further advised that the budget is not constructed in such a way as to make it possible to readily identify the figures relating to any particular decentralised area.


Councillor Semple stated that the results of ongoing service reviews by council Departments could have implications on local jobs and stressed the need to have a meeting to discuss these issues.



Proposed by Councillor Donald Kelly, seconded by Councillor Douglas Philand.


“That the Area Committee agree to hold a special meeting during the month of January 2012.


The purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the implications of the forthcoming Budget on all local services and departments within the MAKI area.


Further to this the committee agree to instruct the Head of Strategic Finance and the appropriate officers to attend the meeting to ensure that full details are disclosed”.    




1.         That the Area Committee agree to hold a special meeting during the month of January 2012.


The purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the implications of the forthcoming Budget and Service Reviews on all local services and departments within the MAKI area.


Further to this, the Committee agree to instruct the Head of Strategic Finance and the appropriate officers to attend the meeting to ensure that full details are disclosed.


2.         To schedule a meeting as close to the end of January 2012 as possible”.



