Issue - meetings

Update on Brass/Woodwind Tuition

Meeting: 01/08/2012 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 6)

Update on Brass/Woodwind Tuition



Kathyryn Wilkie gave a detailed verbal update in regards the status of brass and woodwind tuition in the Kintyre area.  She updated Members in regards the appointment of a 0.5 woodwind tutor.


Kathryn explained that it was hoped to have a brass tutor replacement in the near future. 

Councillor Kelly thanked Kathryn for this update and expressed his delight that this issue was being addressed.


The Chair agreed to take 2 further questions from the public in attendance.


The first enquiry was to ascertain if younger children would be able to be involved in local music initiatives, particulary singing.  Kathryn replied that she was supportive of the NYCOS – National Youth Choir of Scotland, but she could not provide singing tuition in schools.  She could offer training for primary school teachers and flyers would be disseminated offering this service.


The second member of the public thanked Kathryn for her focus on schools/pupils and the appointment of the new brass tutor.  He highlighted the success of Campbeltown Brass band and the excellent choral work by Campbeltown Grammar school choirs and their recent awards.  He enquired if Kathryn could find additional funding to support the excellent work being undertaken by these groups.  Kathryn detailed the budget constraints which may prohibit any additonal funding being available for these areas.


The Chair thanked Kathryn for attending the meeting and updating Members. 









