Issue - meetings

Third Sector Grants

Meeting: 01/08/2012 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 6)

6 Third Sector Grants pdf icon PDF 79 KB



Members considered a report which detailed the recommendations for the Third Sector Grants (including Events and Festivals) to Third Sector organisations for the MAKI area.


Councillor Semple enquired on the effectiveness of holding 2 rounds of applications for the tranche of funding.  He questioned if organisations based in more rural areas were applying for funding and requested a review of the procedures and rationale in determining the level of funding apportioned to organisations.

Audrey Baird replied that it has been agreed at a previous MAKI meeting to hold a workshop at a forthcoming Business Day to faciliate changes which Members may wish to make.


Action:  To facilitate a workshop at the next MAKI Business Day to discuss the format and procedures for applications.


Councillor Currie enquired if there was a comprehensive list of grants which were available from other Council Departments.


Action: Audrey Baird would compile a list of grants which were available to local organisations for MAKI Members to review.


Councillor Semple enquired if any organisations who were underfunded in the 1st tranche of funding could be awarded the £128 underspend from the 2nd tranche. This is to be investigated, with a decision on the awarding of the underspend delegated to Audrey Baird in consultation with the Area Chair.




The Committee agreed to the following:-


2.1              The five organisation listed in the report are awarded funding from the

Third Sector grants budget, as per the table detailed below.


2.2              To hold a workshop at the next MAKI Business Day to review the   

rationale and procedures for the review of future applications.





Grant Awarded 2011/12

Total Project


Amount Requested



ArtMap Argyll






Coisir Og Dhailriada






Dochas Dancers




£885 (see note below)


Girlguiding Argyll






Mid Argyll and Kintyre PACT














Total Recom  Total Recommended












(Reference: Report by Community Development Manager, submitted).
