Issue - meetings

New Road layout in Campbeltown

Meeting: 01/08/2012 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 4)

New Road layout in Campbeltown



Chris Scholes reported that the project was near to completion and detailed the commissioning work and snagging which had to be addressed prior to this.  This would include additional signage, white lining and information signs.  Chris envisaged that the new road layout would perhaps be operational by early August.

He presented the plan to both the Committee Members and the public who had attended the meeting. 

Councillor Semple enquired if the road junction at Lochend Road/Longrow would be blocked off to allow for pedestrian preference.  Chris Scholes replied that there would be dedicated pedestrian crossing points with high-visibility markings.  Councillor Semple continued that in his opinion, the area in question was a potential accident area and the public needed to be made aware of the road changes.

Councillor Kelly reiterated the need for public awareness and highlighted the recent Press release, which he felt was inadequate.


Action: It was agreed that Chris Scholes would arrange for press coverage detailing the drawing and highlighting road changes to the area.


Councillor Colville raised the issue of drivers undertaking U-turns in the area and questioned if a risk assessment had been undertaken prior to the design of the road.  He queried if there would be resurfacing work commissioned for Kinloch Road immediately upon completion of the project.

Stewart Clark reported that the contractors would be undertaking the work upon completion of the programme and he envisaged this would be in September.


The Chair then opened questioning from members of the public in attendance.


A question was put to Chris Scholes in regards any consultation with the Emergency Services to determine if they had any reservations about the pedestrian area and if they deemed this as a potential accident area.  Chris Scholes replied that he had not been involved in the design of the scheme.


Action:  Shirley MacLeod would make due enquiries to determine if consultation had been undertaken with the Emergency Services on the new road layout.   


A further question was put to Members in regards the naming of the new road – Aqualibrium Avenue.  Discussion ensued as to the purported feeling of dismay in Campbeltown of the new road name and the wish to retain the name – Kinloch Road.

Councillor Kelly detailed that the background to the name came as a result of local schools engaging in a competition to rename the road.  He had not received any community contact detailing opposition at the name; however, he appreciated that there were those who opposed the name. 


Councillor Semple reported that he had not received any complaints on the name and gauged that there was not an organised sense of public annoyance. 

Councillor Currie questioned if this was in the remit of the MAKI Area Committee to make a decision on this issue.

Councillor Colville stated that the road naming had been decided at the CHORD Project Board and the appropriate channels had been adhered to in this decision making. 

The Chair reiterated that it was not within the MAKI Area Committee remit and it there was a groundswell of public displeasure at the name, then it may be revisited at a CHORD Project Board meeting.

Councillor Semple stated that if local Members received significant communication on this issue, then it would perhaps warrant further discussion at the CHORD Project Board’s next meeting if it was out with the 6 month period.. 


The Chair thanked the members of public for their attendance and response to the various issues discussed.  







