Issue - meetings

Business Case for lighting at the playpark in Sandbank

Meeting: 02/10/2012 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 11)

Business Case for lighting at the playpark in Sandbank


Additional documents:


Members heard from the Roads Performance Manager on the request from Sandbank Community Council and Elected Members for the Council to provide and maintain Flood Lighting at the recently redeveloped Sandbank Play Area.




The Committee agreed:-


i.                     To ask Officers to consider low energy flood lighting, with dawn to dusk timers.

ii.                   To ask the Development Trust to take on the running costs.

iii.                  To delegate the decision to the Roads Performance Manager in consultation with the Dunoon & Cowal Members with a budget to be identified to facilitate how it is provided.


(Reference:  Report by the Executive Director of Development & Infrastructure service dated September 2012 – submitted)
