Kintyre Way - Partner update
There was no update from Kintyre Way.
Kintyre Way
Susan Paterson reported on the possibility
of landscape partnership on the Kintyre Way, following a recent
meeting held with representatives from
other organisations. The only issue being that the ruling dictated that the
area in question was 200 sq. km; however, there was a possibility of using 2
different areas and 2 groups. The Chair stated that this was an exciting
project and requested the date of the next meeting.
Councillor Horn advised the group that the first
apprentice appointed to the Kintyre Way project has now been in post for 6
months and adverts had been placed for a 2nd apprentice.
Kintyre Way
Andy Holby reported that the first apprentice
had commenced his personalised training programme. He advised of the
ongoing extension work on the Kintyre Way which he hoped would be completed and
in place by Spring 2014. In regards the access to Machrihanish Beach at
Westport, Andy informed the group that 3 options had been identified and
negotiations were in progress to advance these.
Andy reported that an application to Landscape
Heritage Trust was in progress. He advised of a meeting being held on 4
October, 2013 in Templars Hall, Tarbert to look at a Landscape Partnership Bid.
Kintyre Way
The Chair introduced Andrew Holtby
to the group. Andrew updated the group that he and 2 colleagues were now
in place as part of the Coast Community Fund project. Their remit was to
provide training to the unemployed as part of a new scheme and this would
involve extending the Kintyre Way. He advised
that 2 trainees had been taken on for a 6 month period as part of the scheme.
Andrew related some issues of concern on the
Kintyre Way, whereby walkers presently needed to use the A83 as part of the
route. He and the team were hoping to address this and they were tasked
with various route options to determine a solution.
The Chair thanked Andrew for his attendance and
would appreciate regular updates to the group.
Kintyre Way
Update and introduction of new Kintyre Way staff Members.
The Chair advised that John Bakes had sent his
Councllor Horn reported
that the 2 new Kinytre Way employees were in place
and that an introduction at a future KIWG meeting would be arranged.
Kintyre Way
John Bakes updated the group on the appointment
of 3 new staff and the leasing of a new property in Campbeltown.
The new positions would consist of:
New ranger, marketing person, project manager -
funding was available for 2 years.
Councillor Semple enquired if plans were in
place to ensure the sustainability of these positions for longer
periods. John Bakes affirmed that plans were being devised to
progress this.
Councillor Horn advised that the Tourist Office
visitor centre in Tarbert would be ideal to display Kintyre Way
information. John Bakes agreed that they would utilise this venue for
advertising literature.
Kintyre Way
Marcus Adams and John Bakes reported Good
News from the Kintyre Way.
The Coastal Communities funding application
had now come to fruition and the Kintyre way has obtained 240K for coastal
communities funding
Part of this funding is for marketing and
project managers’ post.
This funding will also the Kintyre way to be
extended to Campbeltown and improving the safety of the route by moving
the path
away from the road.
The funding is for a 2 year project and it is
hoped that it will create 11 jobs, some of which will be full time.
There remain
issues with the existing route
ABSEN is hopefully going to assist employing
someone to maintain the existing route. Which is important because te funding
is for the extension not the current route and every walker adds £3-500 to the
local economy so this is substantial
Alan Reid noted that this was good news
particular since the funding source was so heavily oversubscribed
Cllr Kelly
asked whether this money was primarily for jobs or for infrastructure-
the answer was for both and there is a breakdown in the application
The ranger will manage a small number of
labourers on the route, however, it is hoped that there will also be some input
from students on work placements including some from Argyll College. The details of this student involvement still
needs to be finalised, but ensuring sustainability will be part of the remit of
the project manager.
It was noted that the Kintrye way needs 40K PA to keep the route open and that this is not a large amount.
Kintyre Way
John Bakes reported on a positive month in terms
funding which had been received. This amounted to £15k from Argyll and
Bute Council and a sponsorship deal from RES amounting to £30k over the next 3
years In addition, an application to Coastal Communities Funding was at
the 2nd stage.
He reported
that the AGM was scheduled for:-
Wednesday, 31 October 12 Noon at Argyll Hotel Bellanchantuy