Donald Melville had submitted his apologies but a
short report had been submitted updating the group.
The group noted the report.
Donald Melville reported on a new business
portal from SSE:
This was a portal providing tendering
opportunities for local businesses.
Donald advised on a new Business
Growth Grant which is part ERDF funded. It will provide support for local
businesses wishing to grow. The funding
would equate to 50% of eligible
costs up to a maximum of £3,000. The criteria for the funding are:
Existing businesses that are
actively trading with a turnover above £70,000 and be projecting an increase in
turnover within the next 3 years linked to a specific growth initiative.
New-start businesses can apply
where they have been trading for at least 3 months and are able to demonstrate
clear potential to achieve an annual turnover of £70,000 with their first 18
months of trading, with further grow beyond.
He reported that a colleague had undertaken
training on 'World Host' and would provide in-house training to other Business
Gateway staff. If there was sufficient interest from local businesses,
then this training would be provided in the local area.
Discussion continued in regards the provision
of a breakdown of figures by geographical area and details of the
SSE portal.
The group agreed:
That Donald Melville would provide a
geographical breakdown of figures and would also forward on the Business Gateway electronic
magazine to local Members.
Business Gateway
A report was tabled at the meeting and Barbara Halliday introduced Donald Melville, new Business Advisor
to the group. Barbara would continue with existing clients and Donald
would be tasked with assisting new clients.
Discussion continued in regards the need for
Business Gateway to become more prolific in the area and make themselves
known to the local community.
The Chair thanked both Barbara and Donald for
their attendance.
Business Gateway
Barbara Halliday
tabled a report for the group.
The Chair enquired if any enquiries had been
made by members of the farming community. Barbara Halliday
replied that she had not received any enquiries and it was agreed that she
would make contact with Chris Haran (NFU) to help promote Business
Gateway. In addition, it was agreed Barbara she would make contact with
Matthew Willis to arrange a visit to the MACC site.
The Chair advised that Mary Dott’s
post would come to an end shortly. He expressed thanks on behalf of the KIWG to
Mary and highlighted the excellent work she had undertaken and progress she had
achieved in her time as Town Centre Manager.
Business Gateway
Barbara Halliday distributed a handout updating
the group on the Supplier Development Programme (SDP)
Additional documents:
James Lafferty spoke to the tabled Business Gateway report. Report
Barbara Halliday reported
that the Business Gateway workshops had been well attended thanks to promotion
by Mary Dott and James Lafferty. She also reported on a forthcoming Business
Start-up workshop.