Argyll College - Partner update
An update was tabled from Argyll College.
Argyll College
There was no update from Argyll College.
Argyll College
The group noted the report from Argyll College which was tabled at the meeting.
Argyll College
Fraser Durie informed
the group of the key focus areas by the College - which included:-
He advised on the close working partnership between
the College and Argyll and Bute’ Council’s Economic Development team. In addition, he highlighted the ongoing support
from Wind Towers Ltd and the importance of the Lochgilphead
Engineering Centre. Darlene Russell reported on the new HNC in
Hospitality in conjunction with the LEADER programme.
Argyll College
Darlene Russell informed the group that the
recruitment process for Full time courses commencing August 2013 at Argyll
College had begun.
She reported on 2 new courses an HNC in
Hospitality and Agriculture; the HNC in Agriculture could be networked. Darlene
advised of the accreditation of the Fire Service's Young Fire Fighters
certificate which would be implemented in August 2013. Darlene
detailed an example of local success; the Schools for Work Award which had been
won by a local student in Tarbert.
Darlene would provide information
on forthcoming Open Days at Argyll College. She detailed another
initiative which was focusing on skill sets for the Commonwealth Games in 2014
and these would include Security qualifications, Customer Care and Hospitality.
Ishabel Bremner reported on the new Argyll and Bute Employability
Partnership Group which was an action-based partnership endeavouring to match
local skills to potential employers. She advised that the Principal of
Argyll College was one of the Board
Argyll College
Fraser Durie reported on on-going discussions
with HIE - in regards Skills and Education across Argyll, Bute and Arran. He
advised that Argyll College did not have a HQ, but operated in various centres
across the area. The College regularly liaised with schools on
employability and potential job areas. He reported that the 1st cohort at
the Construction Energy Renewal Centre were due to complete their course.
He continued that UHI had identified the need to
attract people back to the South West Highlands.
Susan Paterson highlighted an area of concern -
Health and Social Care (H & SC). She stated that it was critical to
train personnel in this area and detailed the difficulties in accessing a
course for people not already working in H & SC. Darlene responded
that she was aware of this issue and courses were available at the College and
welcomed referrals.
Councillor Semple reported on the gap between
people who could undertake specific streams of work and the completion and
submission of relevant tenders for this work. He continued that Argyll
College need to interact with partner agencies. Barbara Halliday replied
that she regularly referred businesses to Argyll College.
Argyll College
Fraser Durie is the new head of Argyll College - Fraser reported that Argyll College is about to become part of a
regional college incorporating all the highland colleges this will be a
separate institution, but a close
academic partner of UHI
Main course areas being considered so far have been tourism, food and
drink renewable engineering Fraser noted the good news that the current
engineering facility in Lochgilphead is at capacity
In response to a question for Dierdre Henderson, Fraser Durie indicated
that in his view good broadband access is essential for the success of online
curriculum development and delivers such as are being undertaken by the Colleges
Darlene Russell reported that Michael Breslin had retired as Principal and the new Principal was
Fraser Durie. She hoped that Mr Durie would attend the next KIWG meeting. Thereafter she
advised on the forthcoming Graduation Ceremony advising that the Student of the
Year was a local resident.