Issue - meetings

Future structure of KIWG Agenda - discussion

Meeting: 26/10/2012 - Kintyre Initiative Partnership (Item 5)

Future structure of KIWG Agenda - discussion



The Chair advised on the history and how best to merge and determine the future purpose of the KIWG.  Ishabel Bremner advised the group that the Economic Development Action Plan, 2013-2018 (currently in draft) would be a useful framework to provide an initial focus for the KIWG agenda going forward


The Chair requested that the group forward their views and ideas on new initiatives to Melissa Stewart, Theresa McLetchie or directly to himself.  He stated that David Roger, HIE, and Robert Pollock, Head of Economic Development would assist in the future development of the KIWG Agenda.        


It was agreed that future initiatives would be discussed further at the next meeting.

