Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/04/2013 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 4)

4 Area Scorecards pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Report by IOD Programme Manager



Members heard from the Project Officer on the Area Scorecard with exceptional performance for financial quarter 3 of 2012 -13.




The Committee noted the exceptional performance presented on the Scorecard and asked that Bute and Cowal data on street lighting be provided and that a report on issues with daylight burning of street lights (relating to cabling issues ) be provided to a future Area Committee to enable Members to prioritise future capital spend. Members asked for better and more accurate recording of dog fouling issues to be put in place. Members further asked that the target in relation to car parking income be revised to a realistic figure, asked that Bute and Cowal data be provided in regards positive destinations for school leavers, and asked that a representative from Adult Care services attend the June Area Committee to give explanations of the red indicators on the scorecard in respect of this service.


(Reference: Report by the Head of Improvement and HR – submitted)
