Exploring Community Renewable Energy Opportunities in Kintyre
A presentation by Iona McDonald, Community Energy Scotland.
The group heard a presentation from Iona
McDonald, Community Energy Scotland. The Chair thanked Iona for her
detailed and informative presentation and opened questions from the group and
public in attendance.
Discussion followed in regards:-
Impact on local toursim
Benefits to the local community
Concerns in relation to potential detriment to
the local landscape
Stuart Green, Senior Development Officer updated the group on the recent contract which had
been awarded to EON by the Forestry Commission. The Forestry
Commission had taken an ethical approach when preparing the tender.
Stuart advised on the various options which could be considered by local
communities in Kintyre.
These options included:-
That local communities could undertake a trade
for shares
They could also buy into schemes.
He reitereated that opportunities were available
for communities to fully engage with companies, with the assurance that Argyll
and Bute Council would ensure that these companies conformed to their
Richard Kerr, Head of Planning reported on
the growing demand for Windfarm turbines, which were considerably larger than
ones which had been previously approved. He advised that planning
consent for these ultimately reduced the landscape capacity and informed the
group of the bullish approach undertaken by some companies in negotiations with landowners. A member of the public questioned the height
of anemometers in comparison to the actual height of turbines. Richard Kerr
confirmed that the anemometers height was the actual height of the turbine hubs.
Councillor Semple enquired on the accumulative
impact of smaller turbines. Richard Kerr replied that smaller turbines
were not so problematic and highlighted instances on Orkney and Aberdeen
whereby larger turbines were proving detrimental to local areas.
The Chair invited questions from members of the
public in attendance.
Discussion continued in regards the safer
monetary return for communities collaborating with larger companies. Richard Kerr reported
that work was currently underway in the development of a sub-station with an
underwater cable to Hunterston.
Debate continued and the feeling intimated
by some members of the public was to leave the Kintyre landscape
untouched. However, others were of the opinion that local communities
could benefit from the potential funding
generated from Windfarms.
The group agreed the need for further research
and discussion, with representation and input from local Community
Councils. Iona McDonald agreed to assist with the monitoring of this
issue and her contact details are detailed below:-
Iona McDonald,
Development Officer for Argyll
Community Energy Scotland
01631 563 239