Clyde Fishermens Association
The Chair welcomed Richard Johnston, Clyde
Fishermens Association, to the meeting. Richard updated the group on
concerns for fishermen in the local area and detailed the record reduction
being implemented in the amount of fish they were allowed to catch.
Another cause for concern was the mobilisation of the East Coast fleet fishing
into West Coast waters.
Councillor Semple reported on a recent meeting
with local fishermen where they had expressed their concerns and he reiterated
that local Members would continue to assist as much as they could.
The Chair thanked Richard for attending the meeting, requested
regular updates on the afore-mentioned issues and reported that it had been agreed
at the Council meeting held on 27 June to write to Marine Scotland suggesting a
number of measures which would help minimise the impact of the Cod Recovery
Plan (CRP) on the West Coast fishing industry.