Issue - meetings

Skipness Primary School - Education Scotland

Meeting: 02/10/2013 - Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee (Item 7)

7 Skipness Primary School - Education Scotland pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Report by Head Teacher.


Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to a report and action plan related to the recent Education Scotland inspection at Skipness Primary School.


Discussion followed in regards the actual attendance of Head Teachers to discuss specific issues and the feasibility of utilising VC facilities, when available,   




Members agreed:


  1. To note the report.
  2. That Councillor Taylor would write on behalf of the Area Committee to the Head of Education commending the Education Scotland reports for Skipness, Southend and Rhunahaorine Primary Schools.
  3. That Head Teachers would be invited to link into future MAKI Area Committee meetings by a VC facility, where feasible.  


(Reference: Report by Executive Director – Community Services, dated 2 October 2013, submitted).  
