Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/06/2014 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 5)

5 AREA SCORECARD - FQ4 pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Report by IOD Programme Manager



Members considered a report outlining performance and  exceptions for financial quarter 4 of 2013-14. 


Discussion took place over many elements of the report, in particular Planning, Adult Care and Dog Fouling.  Officers from each Service addressed the concerns of Members, with Shirley MacLeod reminding Members that a workshop, enabling Members to identify the things they wished to see on future scorecards, was scheduled to take place at the Business Day meeting in September.  She explained that it had been scheduled at this time to incorporate the finalised Single Outcome Agreement and that Members would have a chance to liaise with Service Managers at this time to discuss both the Service and Corporate Plans. 




Members agreed to note the report. 


(Ref:  Report by Executive Director of Customer Services, dated 3rd June 2014, submitted).
