Issue - meetings

Bute Agricultural Show

Meeting: 11/06/2014 - Bute and Cowal Area Committee (Item 6)

6 Bute Agricultural Show pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Report by Community Development Officer


Additional documents:


Members considered a report detailing recommendations for the award of a Third Sector Grant for the Bute Agricultural Society.  It was noted that this item had been carried forward from the April Area Committee and at the Members request a profit and loss statement was produced for the 2013/14 year showing a loss. 


Discussion regarding the economics of running a show of this nature, with Members noting the relatively small grant request in comparison to the actual cost of running the annual show. 




  1. Members agreed to note the report; and
  2. Agreed that the recommendation of £650 underwrite be awarded to the Bute Agricultural Show.


(Ref: Report by Executive Director of Community Services, dated 3rd June 2014, submitted).
