Issue - meetings

Hermitage Park Update

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 10)

10 Hermitage Park Update pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the current

development phase of Hermitage Park, Helensburgh.


Discussion followed and Members enquired if accessible play equipment would be in place at Hermitage Park and asked about the existing bowling green. The Senior Development Officer advised that special needs had been taken into account and additional play equipment would be in place. She continued that as part of the public consultation, the bowling green had not been a high priority in the responses and was therefore not taken forward.

Members raised the issue of the surplus Indian granite and pointed out that, as yet, the CHORD programme had not been finalised and no agreement had been determined by the Area Committee on the usage for the granite.

Further issues raised by Members included the suitability of the park for future events; adequate toilet facilities for attendees of events and confirmation that the management and maintenance of the park would adhere to Green Flag standards.

The Senior Development Officer confirmed the suitability of the park for future events, with adequate toilet facilities and she advised that she had requested costings for power supplies.   




1.    To note the content of the report.

2.    To approve in principle the final draft masterplan.

3.    To approve the additional car parking provision as described in option one, and approve the associated budget which would require to come from the remaining Section 75 monies as it is out with the scope of the HLF funding bid.


Moved by Councillor Gary Mulvaney, seconded by Councillor Aileen Morton.




1.    To note the content of the report.

2.    To approve in principle the final draft masterplan.

3.     To approve the additional car parking provision as described in option two, and approve the associated budget which would require to come from the remaining Section 75 monies as it is out with the scope of the HLF funding bid, with the remaining money to be identified via the capital programme.


Moved by Councillor Richard Trail, seconded by Councillor James Robb




Following a show of hands vote the Motion was carried by 7 votes to 3 and the Committee resolved accordingly.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services, dated 9 June 2015, submitted).

