Issue - meetings

Hermitage Park

Meeting: 11/08/2015 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 13)

13 * Hermitage Park pdf icon PDF 160 KB

Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services – TO FOLLOW.


Additional documents:


Discussion followed in regards the proposed maintenance of the Ponds within the park and Officers confirmed that there would be a clear planting policy, providing the right balance  to ensure that as much as possible they were self-managing.

There was also discussion on the costs for maintenance, particularly in years 6-10, and the potential implication if the Council breached the maintenance agreement.




That Members approve and adopt in principle the ten year Management and Maintenance Plan and associated financial resources needed to deliver the plan, which must meet and achieve Green Flag Standards for ten years after project completion, and recommend approval of these to Policy and Resources Committee.  Funding will come from within existing amenity services budgetary spend for Hermitage Park.


That Members delegate authority to the Director of Development and Infrastructure to intimate agreement to HLF and recommend approval of this to Policy and Resources Committee.


Moved by Councillor Mulvaney, seconded by Councillor Ellen Morton




That Members defer a decision until consideration of the Budget figures for 2016.


Moved by Councillor Freeman, seconded by Councillor Robert G Macintyre


On a show of hands vote, the Motion was carried by  6 votes to 2 and the Committee resolved accordingly.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director – Executive Director of Development and

Infrastructure, dated 11 August 2015, submitted).
