Issue - meetings

Car Parking Policy in Helensburgh and Lomond

Meeting: 09/06/2015 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 11)

11 Traffic Management and Parking Review update - Helensburgh and Lomond pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services



Councillor James Robb raised a point of order and requested that the Helensburgh and Luss in the Traffic Management and Parking Review update be given consideration by the Area Committee separately.


The Chair ruled that this was not competent and advised that the Area Committee would deal with Helensburgh and Lomond as a whole.


The Committee considered a report which provided a summary of the parking review process to date and the issues raised through the Member workshop and informal public consultation. The report also provided an overall programme for the implementation of any changes to the current arrangements and the associated statutory consultation process.


Discussion took place, and the following issues were highlighted:-


·         The responses made to the consultation and that these had been captured in summary within the report;

·         The level of public engagement and the timescale for the process to be completed;

·         The time limits for blue badge holders;

·         The parking studs which delineate the parking bays;




What I am proposing has been developed through the totality of the consultation process previously agreed by the Area Committee, and reflects the views of local communities, the Chamber of Commerce and members of the public which have been ascertained over a period of months as a result of that process.


In light of this I move that the Area Committee notes the contents of the report and all the representations that have been made on the parking proposals for Helensburgh & Luss and agrees the following proposals be taken to Environment Development and Infrastructure Committee for approval:



a.    Maintain one hour free on-street parking in the restricted parking zone bays (status quo).

b.    Note that car parks at the new Council offices on Clyde Street will be available for public parking out with office hours and will be free of charge.

c.    Maintain the free car spaces in the Pier Area car park (status quo).

d.    Change the unlimited parking structure in John Street and James Street to be consistent within the restricted parking zone (1 hour in bay free parking).

e.    Not to proceed with the introduction of an "outer zone" zone.

f.      Change the charging structure in the Sinclair Street car park to the first 2 hours free with charges thereafter.

g.    That  further minor elements of detail  in the parking arrangements are delegated to the Executive Director of Development &  Infrastructure in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair, to consider, inter alia:

i)              The clearer delineation of the parking bays within the Restricted Parking Zone. 

ii)             Improved information/signage in respect of loading bays.

iii)            No parking/waiting restrictions on West Montrose Street within 10m of Sinclair Street junction.



a.    To introduce parking by permit only in the core village area, supported by a Restricted Parking Zone and a Residents Parking Permit Scheme.

b.    To introduce year round off street charges to the Council run car park.

c.    To introduce Pay and Display parking on the south side of Pier Road between Old Luss Road and Church Road between 8.00am and 8.00pm with parking restricted to 1 hour. 

d.    That officers consider the options for introducing a drop off and pick up point for parents on Old Luss Road adjacent to Luss Primary School.

e.    To consult with Police Scotland with a view to introducing a 20MPH zone within Luss village and further parking arrangements therein.

f.      That further details relating to the Luss Scheme be delegated to officers in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Area Committee.


Furthermore the Area Committee agrees to a review of the new parking arrangements by the end of 2017 to measure the effectiveness of the parking management in Helensburgh and Luss.


Moved by Councillor Ellen Morton, seconded by Councillor George Freeman




The Committee agrees and recommends, as appropriate, the following to the Environment Development and Infrastructure Committee, the Policy and Resources Committee and the Council for approval:




1.    To retain the existing Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) and attendant conditions but with the following boundary amendments - relocate the existing boundary on West Clyde Street at Campbell Street to William Street (east side) and relocate the existing boundary on James Street at West King Street to West Princes Street (north side).

2.    To create parking bays in John Street, West Princes Street and James Street within the RPZ as road width allows with detailed design delegated to the Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure:

3.    To have the first two hours parking free (with charges thereafter) in all car parks currently charging.

4.    To retain a no charging policy in all car parks that are currently without charges

5.    That parking restrictions will apply from 8.00am to 6.00 pm every day.

6.    To note that car parks at the new Council offices on Clyde Street will be available for public parking out with office hours and no charges will apply at those times.

7.    To remove parking restrictions on the following streets with the requirement for localised parking restrictions for safety or access delegated to the Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure:

East King Street

West King Street

John Street (West Princes Street to King Street)

James Street (West Princes Street to King Street)

West Clyde Street (William Street to Glasgow Street) (north side)

Campbell Street (West Clyde Street to Princes Street)

East Princes Street (east of bus stop on south side)

East Clyde Street (Charlotte St to Lomond St)


8.    To increase the time restriction for existing on street parking in Maitland Street from 30 minutes to 60 minutes with the design and regulatory requirements delegated to the Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure.


9.    To introduce the following parking restrictions with delegations as 9 above:


No parking /waiting for 10m each side of W. Montrose St/ Sinclair Street junction

No parking/waiting on access road to Co-Op car park (on the bend)

A suitable vehicle length restriction on existing end-on parking on John Street and James Street

Reinstate and extend the existing restrictions on West  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11
