Issue - meetings

Roads Issues and Roads Revenue Budget FQ1 & FQ4

Meeting: 13/10/2015 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 6)

6 Roads Issues and Roads Revenue Budget FQ1 & FQ4 pdf icon PDF 461 KB

Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services



The Committee considered a report which advised on the roads revenue budget position at the end of the 1st Quarter of the financial year 2015/16.


Discussion followed and Members enquired if the previous budget overspend on the Roads Revenue Maintenance Budget 2014-2015 was carried forward. The Roads Performance Manager advised that the procedure was to review the overall Argyll and Bute Roads Revenue budget and encompass any shortfalls and overspends accordingly.

Members highlighted that the increase in maintenance of drainage to culverts and ditches had mitigated the amount of potholes on local roads. The Roads Performance Manager affirmed that the jet patcher was now being centrally co-ordinated and it was scheduled for both the Helensburgh and Lomond and Bute and Cowal areas in the near future.

Members questioned the status of the new street cleaning machine and the Roads Performance Manager confirmed that he would review this issue and would update local Members. 

Members offered their congratulations to the Roads Performance Manager on his new appointment as the Marine Operations Manager.




Members agreed:


1.    To note the report and;

2.    That the Roads Performance Manager would review the issues raised and report back to Members.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure

Services dated 28 August 2015, submitted).

