Issue - meetings

Roads Revenue Budget - FQ2

Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Roads Revenue Budget - FQ2 pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services.



The Committee considered a report which advised on the Roads Revenue Budget at the end of the 2nd Quarter of the financial year 2015/16.


Discussion followed and Members raised the following issues:


More information in regards the Street Cleaning machine. The Roads Performance Manager agreed to advise Members when the machine was next ‘in situ’ in Helensburgh Town Centre.

An update on the cyclepath between Colgrain and Helensburgh and the land purchase issues. The Roads Performance Manager agreed to review this issue and update Members accordingly.

An update on progress on footways in Helensburgh and clarification on responsibility.

The issue of the footway in Barrs Road, Cardross.

Verification that gully cleaning was being undertaken routinely and effectively. The relief gully on the A814 was Members pointed out that MOD funding was in place to remediate drainage issues.

Drainage issues on the carriageway between Colgrain Farm and Lylestone.


Members congratulated the local Roads team in the work which they had undertaken to address localised flooding issues over the previous weekend.




Members agreed:


1.    To note the report; and

2.    That the Roads Performance Manager would review the issues raised and report back to Members.


(Reference: Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services dated 8 December 2015, submitted).
