Issue - meetings

Hermitage Academy Update

Meeting: 08/12/2015 - Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee (Item 11)

Hermitage Academy Update

Verbal update by Head of Education.



The Committee heard a verbal update from Ann Marie Knowles,  Head of Education.


Mrs Knowles outlined the progress in taking forward an internal review of the senior phase curriculum at Hermitage Academy. She advised Members of the composition of the team undertaking the review and affirmed that the review would be robust and address concerns which had been raised. Education Scotland had also been  invited by the Council’s Education Service to join the review team.

Mrs Knowles reported on the analysis of a wide range of background information including the scrutiny of examination statistics, approaches to whole school and departmental tracking and monitoring, including the effectiveness of the school’s supporting learners programme - I Time.

Questionnaires had been sent out to all parents/carers, pupils and staff of Hermitage Academy and a full analysis of the questionnaire responses had been undertaken. 

Mrs Knowles advised that a report was being presented to the Community Services Committee meeting on 10 December 2015. In addition, an action plan was being compiled, but as yet no timescale was in place.  She highlighted that further discussions will be taken forward between the school, Education Services and the recently elected Parent Council to share the findings of the review and subsequent actions.

Discussion followed and Members raised concerns regarding the level of effective communication between the school and parents and the style of terminology which had been used in a recent letter sent out to parents by Hermitage Academy.


The Chair thanked Mrs Knowles for her update and noted her dedication and commitment to resolving this issue. He requested that local Members be kept up-to-date with developments.




Members agreed:-


1.    To  note the update; and

2.    That the Head of Education would forward a progress report to local Helensburgh and Lomond Members.


