Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee - Wednesday, 3 August 2011 10:00 am

Venue: Council Chambers, Town Hall, Campbeltown

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

Note No. Item




Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of the following:-


Councillor Douglas Philand (Representing a constituent in a local matter)

Councillor John McAlpine

Colin Renfrew, Chief Executive – Fyne Homes Ltd.

Professor Colin Davidson, Craignish Community Council

Audrey Martin, Senior Planning Development Officer

Lynda Thompson, Organisation Development Manager






There were no Declarations of Interest.








The Minutes from the previous meeting held on 6 June 2011 were approved as a true record, subject to the following amendment.


Page 3 – Customer Services:


Councillor Kelly suggested that the current Town Centre manager in Campbeltown could perhaps encompass some of the responsibility for supporting events orchestration.



Matters Arising:


Page 2 – VC Facilities


Councillor Semple enquired on the issue of VC participation at Council meetings.

Shirley MacLeod reported that she was meeting with the Executive Director of Customer Services and the Head of Governance and Law to discuss further this issue.


Page 3 -  Southern Cross


Councillor Kelly asked on if there was any further update on the situation with Southern Cross.  Shirley MacLeod replied that, following her email, there was no further news.


Councillor Horn reported that she had made contact with Fay Harris (Calmac) in regards the white lining issue at Kennacraig.  Julian Green would make contact with Calmac and ensure that this issue was completed satisfactorily.




Councillor Kelly and Councillor Currie reported on the recent achievements by the Kintyre Schools Pipe Band and Islay Pipe Band.  They requested that congratulatory letters be forwarded on behalf of the MAKI Area Committee.

Councillor Hay requested that a similar letter be sent to Inveraray on their recent achievments also.


Action:   Letters on behalf of the MAKI Area Committee would be sent to the afore-mentioned Pipe Bands.    


Scottish Water - update (Agenda Item 9)


Councillor Kelly detailed  flooding issues which had occurred in the Meadowburn area in Campbeltown and also a recurrent flooding in Stewarton .  This had impacted onto several business premises.  Jane McKenzie would raise this issue with David Innes and report back.  She suggested that reporting such incidences through the Scottish Water call centre would create a ‘history’ and enable Scottish Water to monitor and track ongoing problems.


Eddie Burns reported that Scottish Water were nearing completion at the Kinloch Park Pumping station.  They were still to undergo a testing exercise.  


Councillor Semple raised the water issues at the Marina in Campbeltown and enquired if Scottish Water would be willing to participate in promotion of the area.  Jane McKenzie stated, on behalf of Scottish Water, that they would be happy to be involved with any marketing/promotion to be undertaken for the Marina.


Councillor Currie stated that there was new ownership at the Machrie House Hotel and detailed problems they were experiencing with the connection of their water supply.  Sandy Mactaggart reported that the Council had periodic meetings with Scottish Water to discuss and review strategic areas and historical problems.  He was happy to broker a meeting with Scottish Water.  In addition, Jane McKenzie would liaise with the Scottish Water Asset planners in regards this issue.


Councillor Hay enquired on the final submission date for the Main Issues report.


Action:  Sandy Mactaggart would advise on the date.


Councillor Kelly reported on the ongoing problem at the MACC.  Jane advised of a meeting which had been held on 2 August between Scottish Water, HIE, MACC and the Scottish Government to progress this.


Jane advised the Committee of a proposed community event to be held by Scottish Water in Campbeltown to mark the completion of the project.  She would advise the date when arrangements had been formalised.


























Machrihanish Dunes Golf Club - (Agenda Item 10)

An update by Janette Jansson, General Manager.


Janette Jansson informed Members that it was envisaged that the hotel would be completed and ready for opening by early Spring.  She reported that support from HIE and Argyll and Bute Council had been excellent.


Councillor Semple stated that he hoped the opening of the Royal Hotel in Campbeltown would be beneficial to the Town Centre.  Janette agreed that the Hotel held a key position in the town and the opening would raise the profile.


The Chair thanked Janette for attending the meeting and providing an update.





Impact of the Council's Charging Policy for Elderly Care Services (Agenda Item 5 (a) ) pdf icon PDF 49 KB

A report by Rod Clayton, MAKI Area Operations Manager.


The Committee considered a report providing feedback on the impact of the Charging Policy on service users in the MAKI area.




The Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.



(Ref: A report by Rod Clayton, Area Manager Operations – MAKI, dated 3 August 2011, submitted). 


Existing SLAs and monitoring arrangements - (Agenda Item 5 (b) pdf icon PDF 46 KB

A report by Moira Logan, Performance Improvement Manager.


The Committee considered a report detailing the procedure for departments in developing Service Level agreements (SLAs) with External Agencies.


Alan Brough detailed the new procedure for written agreements with third party organisations. 


Councillor Hay raised concerns in regards existing SLAs and the difficulties she was experiencing in having these signed.


Alan proffered help and advice in getting the new procedure in place.   





The Committee agreed to note the report.



(Ref: A report by Moira Logan, Performance Improvement manager dated 3 August 2011, submitted).


Third Sector Grants - (Agenda Item 5 (c ) pdf icon PDF 85 KB

A report by Audrey Baird, Community Development Officer.


The Committee considered the recommendations for the award of Third Sector

Grants to Third Sector organisations in the MAKI area.



Islay & Jura Community Enterprises Ltd






Mid Argyll Link Club






Blarbuie Woodland Enterprise






Kintyre/Campbeltown Rugby Club






Islay Children and Families Association






Islay and Jura Youth Wind Band






Kintyre Link Club






Machrihanish Dunes Sound of Kintyre Pipe Band






Kintyre Youth Cafe






Kintyre Cultural Forum






Bowmore Hall Committee













Total Recom  Total Recommended










The Committee agreed to the recommendations as defined in the list detailed above.



(Ref:  A report by Audrey Baird, Community Development Officer, dated 3 August 2011, submitted).


Community Engagement and support for and with local businesses - (Agenda Item - 5 (d) pdf icon PDF 70 KB

A report by Robert Pollock.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report detailing the provision of support from the Council’s Business Gateway team to businesses in the area.




The Members agreed to note the report.


(Ref: A report by Kate Fraser, Senior Development Officer, dated 3 August 2011, submitted).


Community Engagement staff enabling communities to develop effective plans - (Agenda Item 5 (e) pdf icon PDF 106 KB

A report by Audrey Baird, Community Development Officer.


The Committee considered a report updating on community action planning in MAKI communities.




The Members agreed to the following recommendations:-


1.1       That the Area Committee notes progress on community action planning locally and acknowledges the commitment of communities in the time and effort involved in this process.

1.2       That the Area Committee considers if any community warrants priority support from the Community Development Officer in this work, bearing in mind the capacity issues of having one officer covering the area.




(Ref: A report by Audrey Baird, Community Development Officer dated 3 August 2011, submitted).


Strategic Housing Development Plan - (Agenda Item - 5 (f) pdf icon PDF 76 KB

A report by Moira MacVicar


The Committee considered a report which updated Members on the completion of affordable housing in the MAKI area over the last 3 years.  This included current developments and future funding issues.


Councillor Kelly raised his concerns in regards, in his view, the lack of new builds in rural villages.


Moira MacVicar replied that funding was a key  factor in approving new builds.  Alistair McGregor (ACHA) agreed that there was not a lack of willingness on the part of RSLs, but financial constraint.


He informed the Committee of a forthcoming meeting scheduled for – 26 August – in Inveraray with  the Scottish Housing Minister, Keith Brown.




The Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.


(Ref: A report by Moira MacVicar, Housing Services Manager dated 3 August 2011, submitted). 






Area Plan/Corporate Plan - Linkages - (Agenda Item - 6 (a)

An update by Lynda Thompson, Organisational Development Manager.


Sandy Mactaggart reported that Argyll and Bute Council were endeavouring to ensure that measures were realistic and relevant to local areas.


At present, scorecards were being reviewed to enable a balanced approach, enabling a realist review of performances.






Fragile Communities - High speed broadband - Agenda Item - 7 (a) pdf icon PDF 66 KB

A report by Gerry Wilson, IT Infrastructure Manager.


Members considered a report providing updates on BDUK funding for 4 pilot superfast  broadband projects, one of which covers the Highlands and Islands area – including Mid Argyll and Kintyre.


Councillor Hay enquired on the timescale for the rollout.


Action: Gerry Wilson will inform Members of the timescale for the rollout.




The Committee agreed to note the contents of the report.



(Ref: A report by Gerry Wilson, IT Infrastructure Manager dated 3 August 2011, submitted).







Timescale for implementation of the Asset Management Plan - (Agenda Item - 8 (a) pdf icon PDF 76 KB

A report by Jim Smith, Head of Roads and Amenity Services.


Members considered a report informing them of the asset management approach for roads, giving an update regarding the SCOTS project and setting out the policy documents and work streams being developed to support the asset management of roads.


Jim Smith advised that a draft Roads reconstruction programme would be sent out for review at all the Area Committee meetings.  He reported that there was further planned treatments for the  A83. 


Councillor Semple and Councillor Kelly expressed their concerns for the ‘B’ roads in the local area.  Councillor Kelly enquired when due prioritisation would be given to the  roads in Argyll and Bute.  Jim Smith replied that he envisaged a 3/10 year plan would be implemented to address road issues.


Councillor Hay raised the issue of potential damage to the tourist industry with the state of many ‘C’ roads leading to tourist attractions.





Members agreed to note the content of the report.



(Ref: A report by Jim Smith, Head of Roads and Amenity Services, submitted dated 3 August 2011).



Potential impact - Extension of Road Equivalent Tariff (RET) - (Agenda Item - 8 (b) pdf icon PDF 62 KB

A report by Jonathan Welch, Transport Planner.


Members considered a report advising on the background to the Scottish Government’s Road Equivalent Tariff (RET) pilot, the potential impact on those communities involved and the costs of extending the pilot in the future.




Members agreed to note the report.



(Ref: A report by Jonathan Welch, Transport Planner dated 3 August 2011, submitted).


Kilmory Home Farm Community Project - (Agenda Item - 8 (c) pdf icon PDF 71 KB

A report by Paul Convery updating Members on the status of the Kilmory Home Farm Community Project.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report updating on the Kimory Home Farm Community group. 


The group now wish to secure the Council’s support for the Social Enterprise Plan (SEP) and in particular to re-affirm support for the project.  This will include the transfer of the Home Farm steadings to the Community group.  Also to explore the potential for the transfer of other surrounding land areas required to support the SEP.




The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:


1.         Agree to the transfer of the Kilmory Home Farm steadings at nil cost to the community group when they have secured confirmation from the relevant funding bodies that the project can proceed.



(Ref: A report by Paul Convery, Planning Development Officer dated 3 August 2011, submitted).


Road Issues - (Agenda Item - 8(d) pdf icon PDF 99 KB

A report by Julian Green, Technical Officer.


The Committee considered a report providing updates on outstanding road-related issues in the MAKI area.




The Committee agreed to note the report.



(Ref:  A report by Stewart Clark, Contracts Manager dated 3 August 2011, submitted).


Kintyre Way

An update by Owen Paisley, Kintyre Way ranger.


Owen Paisley, Kintyre Way ranger, gave a verbal update to Members detailing work undertaken by him in maintaining, promoting and marketing the Kintyre Way.


He informed Members that approximately 2000 walkers had used the Kintyre Way in the last year.  This had generated a considerable amount of money for the local economy. 


The Chair thanked Owen for his informative update and wished him every success for the future.   


The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

Paragraph 13  Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes-


(a)               to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or

(b)               to make an order or direction under any enactment.



Old Court House in Campbeltown

A report by Audrey Martin, Senior Planning/Development Officer


The Committee considered a report in regards the Old Courthouse, Bolgam Street, Campbeltown.




The Committee agreed to recommendations 2 (a) and (b) in the report submitted by the Senior Planning Development Manager.