Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee - Wednesday, 7 December 2011 10:30 am

Venue: Council Chambers, Town Hall, Campbeltown

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel:- 01546 604511 

Note No. Item




Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of the following:-


Councillor Alison Hay

Stephen Harrison, Acting Head Teacher, Islay High School.

Audrey Baird, Argyll and Bute Council

David Clements, Argyll and Bute Council




Councillor Philand delared a non-financial interest in relation to the former Lochgilphead Primary School, he left the room and took no part in the discussion of this issue which is dealt with at Item 11A of this Minute.


Councillor MacMillan and Councill Philand delared a non-financial interest in relation to the Land at St Clair Road, Ardrishaig, they left the room and took no part in the discussion of this issue which is dealt with at Item 11D of this Minute.





The Minute of the previous meeting held on 5 October2011 was approved as a true record subject to the following amendment:-


 Page 5 - Item 9 Development and Infrastructre Services  


Councillor Horn had raised the issue of the signs on the roadside indicating the  toilet facilities at Skipness/Claonaig be correctly postioned.






A member of the public raised concerns in regards local Members putting policies in place, only to have these ignored by council officers.  She detailed a planning application which had been over-ruled by the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services.  She asked that the Area Committee note her concerns on this issue.


The Chair agreed that a letter would be written to the Head of Planning and Regulatory services notating the concerns of the MAKI Area Committee.


Action: Letter to be drafted to Head of Planning and Regulatory services.


Councillor Semple agreed that local Members were no longer involved in the local planning process. 


Councillor Kelly endorsed this and reiterated that local Members had lost control of the planning control.  Councillor McAlpine questioned if the system was working effectively.


Councillor McAlpine reported on a proposed campaign to be led by Argyll First to address issues on the A83.  He enquired if the Chair would lend his support to the campaign by Argyll First. 

Ken Macdonald stated that this would need to be considered at a future Area Committee meeting.

Councillor Kelly reiterated the need to address the ongoing problems on the A83 in a consensual manner and Members agreed that Transport Scotland should attend a future Area Committee meeting.  

Ken Macdonald stated that this would come as an Agenda item to a future Area Committee meeting.




Adult Support and Protection (Agenda Item 8A) pdf icon PDF 789 KB

A powerpoint presentation by Ronnie McIlquham and Bill Brackenbridge.


Members viewed a presentation informing them on the procedure for support and protecting adults at risk of harm in the Argyll and Bute area.


Ronnie McIlquham provided information and detailed relevant statistics to Members.  He informed Members that it was hoped that groups would be formed to develop a local focus in the MAKI area.


Bill Brackenbridge asked for Members help to make local communities aware of the Adult Support and Protection service.  


Councillor Kelly enquired if figures could be provided for the Kintyre area.  Bill agreed that he would provide these figures.


Councillor Horn asked if referrals were received from local care homes and if there was an onus of responsibility.  Ronnie replied that there was no duty under law for care homes to refer; however, contractually this existed with Argyll and Bute council and they had received a few referrals from local care homes.


Councillor Semple enquired on the problems encountered by elderly residents living in rural communities.  Ronnie detailed the problems in resolving these issues.


The Chair thanked Ronnie and Bill for their interesting and informative presentation.  




Members agreed to note the presentation.



(Ref: A presentation by Ronnie  McIlquham, Area Manager – Adult Proection, dated 7 December 2011, submitted).




NHS Highland - Campbeltown Hospital Bed Model Review

An update by Donnie Cameron, Clinical Manager, NHS Highland.


There was no update on this issue.




Area Plan and Scorecards pdf icon PDF 122 KB

A report by David Clements, Performance Manager.


There was no council representative to speak to the report.  Members requested that documentation be disseminated prior to future discussion on this issue.




Members agreed that this issue would be continued to the next MAKI Business Day meeting which is scheduled for 1 February 2012.






There were no items relating to Customer Services.




MAKI School Holidays for 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 89 KB


Members considered a report which detailed the final patterns of school holidays and inservice days for all schools in Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands for 2012/2013.




Members agreed to the recommendations  2.1 and 2.2 detailed within the report .


(Ref: A report by Carol Walker, Head of Pre School and Primary Education dated 7 December 2011, submitted).


Islay High School report pdf icon PDF 43 KB

A report by Stephen Harrison, Acting Headteacher Islay High School.

Additional documents:


There was no presentative to speak to the report.




Members agreed that this issue would continue to a future Area Committee meeting.



Campbeltown Grammar School report pdf icon PDF 112 KB

A report by Michael Cassey, Acting Head Teacher,  Cambpeltown Grammar School.



Members considered a report  outlining the major achievements of the pupils from Campbeltown Grammar school in 2010/11 and including the SQA examination results for pupils who sat examinations in May/June 2011.  The results are based on pre-appeal data.





Members agreed to note the strong performance of pupils and the commitment of staff in their examination successes and in the wider aspects of achievement across the school.



(Ref: A report by Mr Mike Casey, Acting Head Teacher dated 7 December 2011, submitted).


Grants to Third Sector - End of Year Reports 2010/2011 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

A report by Audrey Baird, Community Development Officer.


There was no officer representation to speak to the report.


Members requested that a report be compiled detailing the status of grants and providing information on any residue from the funding allocation and highlighting any lessons learnt.  The report would come to the next MAKI Area Committee scheduled for February 2012.


(Ref: A report by  Audrey Baird, Community Development Officer dated 7 December 2011, submitted).









Road Issues pdf icon PDF 53 KB

A report by Julian Green, Technical Officer.


The Committee considered a report providing updates on outstanding road-related issues in the MAKI area.


Councillor Kelly reiterated that the problems to remediate the roadworks in Cambpeltown had still not been resolved.  Graham Brown would advise Julian Green.


Councillor McAlpine reported that Julian had attended a community council meeting in Carradale.  The local community council had highlighted various issues, but to date these were still outstanding.


Councillor Horn enquired on the amount of grit which could be collected by private housholders at local depots.  Graham Brown replied that the amount was 20/25kgs.  However, if housholders were collecting on behalf of other housheolders, they should notify the depot in advance.




The Committee agreed to note the report.


(Ref:  A report by Stewart Clark, Contracts Manager, dated 7 December 2011, submitted).


Roads Reconstruction Capital Programme 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 283 KB

A report by Graham Brown, Operations Manager.


Members considered a report detailing the process undertaken to identify the  Roads Reconstruction Capital Programme for Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands for the financial year 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 with a draft programme for consideration.


Discussion continued in regards the methodology in prioritising the budget and the surveying process.  Members enquired on the variation in the proposed budget distribution for 2012/2013. 




To instruct the Head of Roads and Amenity Services to produce a paper for the January full Council detaiing strengths and weaknesses of applying an asset-management based approach to the distribution of funding for capital roads projects.


Moved by Councillor John Semple, seconded by Councillor Anne Horn.




To note the report as per the recommendation.


Moved by Councillor Donald MacMillan, seconded by Councillor Rory Colville.


The requisite number of Members required the vote to be taken by calling the roll, and Members voted as follows:-


Motion                                    Amendment


Councillor Anne Horn              Councillor Rory Colville  

Councillor Donald Kelly           Councillor Robin Currie

Councillor John McAlpine        Councillor Donald MacMillan

Councillor Douglas Philand

Councillor John Semple         




The Motion was carried by 5 votes to 3 and the Committee resolved accordingly.



(Ref: A report by Graham Brown,  Operation Manager dated 7 December 2011, submitted).


Tayinloan and Gigha Ferry Terminals - Update pdf icon PDF 49 KB

A report by Martin Gorringe, Marine and Airports manager.


Members considered a report which provides an update on the Tayinloan contract works to improve the ferry berth.




Members agreed to note the report and retain on the Agenda for discussion at future



(Ref: A report by Martin Gorringe, Marine & Airports Manager dated 7 December 2011, submitted).




Notice of Motion Under Standing Order 13

Proposed by Councillor Donald Kelly, seconded by Councillor Douglas Philand.


“That the Area Committee agree to hold a special meeting during the month of January 2012.


The purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the implications of the forthcoming Budget on all local services and departments within the MAKI area.


Further to this, the Committee agree to instruct the Head of Strategic Finance and the appropriate officers to attend the meeting to ensure that full details are disclosed”.  


Members discussed the impact on local services resulting from proposed service cuts and ongoing service reviews.


Councillor Kelly stated that the motion had been submitted for discussion, as he felt that the various budget seminars had not addressed budget implications in any great detail.

Councillor Philand reiterated the need to identify possible alternatives and alert local communities to impending reductions/loss of services.

Ken Macdonald advised that, if the motion was to be approved, any discussion would relate only to the draft budget as it exists at the time of the special meeting, as it would not have been approved by the Council. He further advised that the budget is not constructed in such a way as to make it possible to readily identify the figures relating to any particular decentralised area.


Councillor Semple stated that the results of ongoing service reviews by council Departments could have implications on local jobs and stressed the need to have a meeting to discuss these issues.



Proposed by Councillor Donald Kelly, seconded by Councillor Douglas Philand.


“That the Area Committee agree to hold a special meeting during the month of January 2012.


The purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the implications of the forthcoming Budget on all local services and departments within the MAKI area.


Further to this the committee agree to instruct the Head of Strategic Finance and the appropriate officers to attend the meeting to ensure that full details are disclosed”.    




1.         That the Area Committee agree to hold a special meeting during the month of January 2012.


The purpose of this meeting would be to discuss the implications of the forthcoming Budget and Service Reviews on all local services and departments within the MAKI area.


Further to this, the Committee agree to instruct the Head of Strategic Finance and the appropriate officers to attend the meeting to ensure that full details are disclosed.


2.         To schedule a meeting as close to the end of January 2012 as possible”.





The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


Prior to discussion of the following item of business Cncllr Philand, having earlier declared an interest therein, left the meeting and took no part in the discussion.





Former Lochgilphead Primary School

A report by Hugh Blake, Senior Estates Surveyor.


Members considered a report following the marketing for the sale of the former Lochgilphead Primary School.




To recommend to the Executive that the highest offer, as set out in the report, be accepted, subject to the approval of Scottish Ministers. 


Moved by Councillor MacMillan, seconded by Councillor McAlpine


Councillor Currie, having moved an amendment to accept the recommendations set out in the report, failed to find a seconder, and asked that his dissent be recorded.




To recommend to the Executive that the highest offer, as set out in the report, be accepted, subject to the approval of Scottish Ministers. 


(Ref: A report by the Senior Estates Surveyor, dated 7 December 2011, submitted).




Workshop/Store, MacBraynes's Lane, Lochgilphead

A report by Roy Alexander, Estates Surveyor.



Councillor Philand rejoined the meeting.



Members considered a report advising on the outcome of the recent marketing campaign in respect of the Workshop/Store building at the above address.




Members agreed to the recommendation contained within the report.



(Ref: A report by the Estates Surveyor , dated 7 December 2011, submitted) 





Millknowe Toilets, Millknowe Road, Campbeltown

A report by Hugh Blake, Senior Estates Surveyor.


Members considered a report advising on the outcome of the recent marketing campaign in respect of the former public conveniences at Millknowe Road.




Members agreed to the recommendation contained within the report.



(Ref: A report by the Estates Surveyor, dated 7 December 2011, submitted).




Land at St Clair Road, Ardrishaig

A report by Charles Reppke, Head of Governance and Law.




Prior to discussion of the following item of business Councillor MacMillan and Councillor Philand, having earlier declared respective interests therein, left the meeting and took no part in the discussion


Members considered a report updating on the status of the land at St Clair Road, Ardrishaig.



Members agreed to 1. authorise the Executive Director of Customer Services to negotiate and conclude suitable terms and conditions for the sale of the area of ground referred to as 'the second area of ground' in the report to the neighbouring proprietor, with a condition that it be retained as garden ground; and 2. continue consideration of the area of ground referred to as 'the third area of ground' in the report, and thast a further report thereon be submitted to the next MAKI etc...




Members agreed:-



1.                  To authorise the Executive Director of Customer Services to negotiate and conclude suitable terms and conditions for the sale of the area of ground referred to as 'the second area of ground' in the report to the neighbouring proprietor, with a condition that it be retained as garden ground.

2.                  To  continue consideration of the area of ground referred to as ‘the third area of ground’ in the report, and that a report thereon be submitted to the next MAKI Area Committee scheduled for February 2012.


(Ref: A report by the Head of Governance and Law, dated 7 December 2011, submitted).