Agenda and minutes

Mid Argyll, Kintyre & the Islands Area Committee - Wednesday, 1 August 2012 10:00 am

Venue: Town Hall, Campbeltown

Contact: Theresa McLetchie - Tel: 01546 604511 

Note No. Item





Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of the following:-


Councillor Donald MacMillan

Councillor Sandy Taylor


The Chair ruled and the Committee agreed, that the issue of the new road layout in Campbeltown be dealt with as an urgent item of business due to the imminent conclusion of the project, and further ruled that this matter would be dealt with at the start of the meeting, prior to public and Councillor Question time.  This item was, therefore, dealt with at Item 4 of the meeting.  








Councillor Philand declared a non-financial interest in relation to St Clair Road, Ardrishaig,  he left the room and took no part in the discussion of this issue, which is dealt with at Item 9 (a) of this Minute.  





The Minute of the previous meeting held on 7 July 2012 was approved as a true record subject to the following amendment:-


Page 2, Item 4 – Public and Councillor Question time:-


Councillor Kelly raised the issue of the Brass band and Woodwind tuition in the South Kintyre area and the cessation of the Music Buddies project in the Campbeltown area.






New Road layout in Campbeltown


Chris Scholes reported that the project was near to completion and detailed the commissioning work and snagging which had to be addressed prior to this.  This would include additional signage, white lining and information signs.  Chris envisaged that the new road layout would perhaps be operational by early August.

He presented the plan to both the Committee Members and the public who had attended the meeting. 

Councillor Semple enquired if the road junction at Lochend Road/Longrow would be blocked off to allow for pedestrian preference.  Chris Scholes replied that there would be dedicated pedestrian crossing points with high-visibility markings.  Councillor Semple continued that in his opinion, the area in question was a potential accident area and the public needed to be made aware of the road changes.

Councillor Kelly reiterated the need for public awareness and highlighted the recent Press release, which he felt was inadequate.


Action: It was agreed that Chris Scholes would arrange for press coverage detailing the drawing and highlighting road changes to the area.


Councillor Colville raised the issue of drivers undertaking U-turns in the area and questioned if a risk assessment had been undertaken prior to the design of the road.  He queried if there would be resurfacing work commissioned for Kinloch Road immediately upon completion of the project.

Stewart Clark reported that the contractors would be undertaking the work upon completion of the programme and he envisaged this would be in September.


The Chair then opened questioning from members of the public in attendance.


A question was put to Chris Scholes in regards any consultation with the Emergency Services to determine if they had any reservations about the pedestrian area and if they deemed this as a potential accident area.  Chris Scholes replied that he had not been involved in the design of the scheme.


Action:  Shirley MacLeod would make due enquiries to determine if consultation had been undertaken with the Emergency Services on the new road layout.   


A further question was put to Members in regards the naming of the new road – Aqualibrium Avenue.  Discussion ensued as to the purported feeling of dismay in Campbeltown of the new road name and the wish to retain the name – Kinloch Road.

Councillor Kelly detailed that the background to the name came as a result of local schools engaging in a competition to rename the road.  He had not received any community contact detailing opposition at the name; however, he appreciated that there were those who opposed the name. 


Councillor Semple reported that he had not received any complaints on the name and gauged that there was not an organised sense of public annoyance. 

Councillor Currie questioned if this was in the remit of the MAKI Area Committee to make a decision on this issue.

Councillor Colville stated that the road naming had been decided at the CHORD Project Board and the appropriate channels had been adhered to in this decision making. 

The Chair reiterated that it was not within the MAKI Area Committee remit and it there was a groundswell of public displeasure at the name, then it may be revisited at a CHORD Project Board meeting.

Councillor Semple stated that if local Members received significant communication on this issue, then it would perhaps warrant further discussion at the CHORD Project Board’s next meeting if it was out with the 6 month period.. 


The Chair thanked the members of public for their attendance and response to the various issues discussed.  











The Chair invited questions from Members and the public in attendance.


Questions had been submitted and addressed during the discussion of the previous Agenda item.  




Update on Brass/Woodwind Tuition


Kathyryn Wilkie gave a detailed verbal update in regards the status of brass and woodwind tuition in the Kintyre area.  She updated Members in regards the appointment of a 0.5 woodwind tutor.


Kathryn explained that it was hoped to have a brass tutor replacement in the near future. 

Councillor Kelly thanked Kathryn for this update and expressed his delight that this issue was being addressed.


The Chair agreed to take 2 further questions from the public in attendance.


The first enquiry was to ascertain if younger children would be able to be involved in local music initiatives, particulary singing.  Kathryn replied that she was supportive of the NYCOS – National Youth Choir of Scotland, but she could not provide singing tuition in schools.  She could offer training for primary school teachers and flyers would be disseminated offering this service.


The second member of the public thanked Kathryn for her focus on schools/pupils and the appointment of the new brass tutor.  He highlighted the success of Campbeltown Brass band and the excellent choral work by Campbeltown Grammar school choirs and their recent awards.  He enquired if Kathryn could find additional funding to support the excellent work being undertaken by these groups.  Kathryn detailed the budget constraints which may prohibit any additonal funding being available for these areas.


The Chair thanked Kathryn for attending the meeting and updating Members. 











Third Sector Grants pdf icon PDF 79 KB


Members considered a report which detailed the recommendations for the Third Sector Grants (including Events and Festivals) to Third Sector organisations for the MAKI area.


Councillor Semple enquired on the effectiveness of holding 2 rounds of applications for the tranche of funding.  He questioned if organisations based in more rural areas were applying for funding and requested a review of the procedures and rationale in determining the level of funding apportioned to organisations.

Audrey Baird replied that it has been agreed at a previous MAKI meeting to hold a workshop at a forthcoming Business Day to faciliate changes which Members may wish to make.


Action:  To facilitate a workshop at the next MAKI Business Day to discuss the format and procedures for applications.


Councillor Currie enquired if there was a comprehensive list of grants which were available from other Council Departments.


Action: Audrey Baird would compile a list of grants which were available to local organisations for MAKI Members to review.


Councillor Semple enquired if any organisations who were underfunded in the 1st tranche of funding could be awarded the £128 underspend from the 2nd tranche. This is to be investigated, with a decision on the awarding of the underspend delegated to Audrey Baird in consultation with the Area Chair.




The Committee agreed to the following:-


2.1              The five organisation listed in the report are awarded funding from the

Third Sector grants budget, as per the table detailed below.


2.2              To hold a workshop at the next MAKI Business Day to review the   

rationale and procedures for the review of future applications.





Grant Awarded 2011/12

Total Project


Amount Requested



ArtMap Argyll






Coisir Og Dhailriada






Dochas Dancers




£885 (see note below)


Girlguiding Argyll






Mid Argyll and Kintyre PACT














Total Recom  Total Recommended












(Reference: Report by Community Development Manager, submitted).




Appointment to Outside Organisations within the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area pdf icon PDF 64 KB


Members considered a further report in regards appointments to local bodies/organisations within the Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands area.


Councillor McAlpine questioned Member representation at the Kintyre Crime Prevention Panel in Campbeltown.  It was agreed that Ward 1 Members would continue with their rotational attendance, with representation from 1 Member from Ward 2 at meetings.


Discussion ensued between Ward 2 Members in regards representation at the Gigha Development Trust and the Islay and Jura Community Enterprise.  It was agreed that Ward 2 Members would agree rotational attendance at future meetings for both these organisations.   




The Committee agreed on the recommendations detailed with the report.


(Reference: Report by Area Governance officer – submitted).




Road Issues pdf icon PDF 59 KB


The Committee considered a report providing updates on outstanding road-related issues in the MAKI area.


Stewart Clark expanded on his email sent to MAKI Members in regards the proposed works at Cairnbaan.  He continued that the works would be deferred to Year 2/3 of the Capital works programme. The grass cutting programme was proving very labour intensive and costly in time.  Stewart advised that the opening ceremony at Tayinloan was envisaged for the end of August.

Councillor McAlpine enquired on the intended works at Achnafad.  Stewart replied that due to cost increases the programme would entail localised surfacing and surface dressing.

Councillor Currie enquired on the issue of the 125k spend on Islay and queried why Scottish Water were not contributing towards these costs.  Stewart replied that the legal advice provided indicated the weakness of any case that Argyll and Bute council may take against Scottish Water for costs towards the remedial works.

Councillor Philand questioned the reduction in the planned works at Cairnbaan and wished clarification as to who had sanctioned the changes to the Capital Management programme.  Stewart Clark replied that the Head of Service had instigated the reduction in the programme.  Councillor Philand questioned if the allocated budget for the forthcoming year would include the 350k deferred from this years budget.  Stewart responded that he could not give assurance on this issue.

Councillor Kelly spoke in his capacity as Lead Councillor for Roads & Amenity Services, querying why the said changes to the proposed Capital Management programme had not come to the MAKI Area Committee for discussion and decision. 


Action: Members agreed that both Sandy Mactaggart and Jim Smith would be invited to the next MAKI Area Committee to answer questions on making changes to the Capital Management programme.


Councillor Semple queried the budget for Community Schemes and highlighted Hillside Road, Campbeltown, a road of which the main use was refuse lorries.


Action: Stewart Clark would review this road and update       




The Committee agreed to note the report.


(Reference: Report by Contracts Manager – submitted).




The Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands Area Committee notes with concern changes made to the Capital Roads Reconstruction Budget 2012/13 without recourse to the Area Committee, which has delegated authority to approve capital expenditure and has already agreed the 2012/13 programme, and asks that the Council be provided with the reasoning and explanation behind those changes as a matter of urgency at its meeting on 23 August 2012. 


Moved by Councillor Anne Horn, seconded by Councillor Donald Kelly.





The motion was carried and the Committee resolved accordingly.



















Exempt items



The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.



Paragraph 9

Paragraph 9  Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.



St Clair Road, Ardrishaig


Having previously declared a non-financial interest in St Clair Road, Ardrishaig, Councillor Douglas Philand, left the room and took no part in the discussion of this issue.


Councillor Robin Currie left the meeting at 1200.


Members considered an updated report in regards the ongoing issue of Land at St Clair Road, Ardrishaig.





Members agreed to the recommendations, 2.1 and 2.2,  detailed with the report.



(Reference:  Report by Head of Governance and Law – submitted). 


The Chair thanked Members, Officers and the public for their input and attendance at the  meeting.